Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This morning Boris had a second seizure. It happened pretty much the same way as the first though as he ran to find me he didn't manage to get up onto my bed but collapsed at the side of it. This time Joe got bitten because I stupidly in my panic instructed him to move Boris to a safer spot. It lasted nearly three minutes and I then gave him a Valium enema followed by a Valium tab 15 mins later as per our vets instructions. It took a very short time for him to get up but he was agitated for about an hour after but then was back to normal.
Tomorrow I will call the vet but what I wanted to ask is what is best medical practice at this stage as I strongly suspect he has Epilepsy. I am so sad today as is Joe. We know the bite was a stupid mistake as Boris, who is the gentlest boy was totally unaware of what was happening. We just want to be able to lessen the worry of what may happen and if these horrible events can be prevented.

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Nicky, I'm so sorry. Have you visited the Guardian Angels Canine Epilepsy site? They have a ton of information and support, it's a great resource:

Thanks Karen. I'm going through it again now.
Nicky I'm so sorry. I think you already know in retrospect I'll try to move them if anything bring a towel or something to your dog to rest his head on. Keep us posted on what the vet says. My dog Kobe has been having seizures once a month for almost 2 years now.

Thanks Patti, it's tough to see them go through this isn't it?

Nicky, I am so sorry that you are going through this and I wish I could say that I only joined this group to respond to your post but sadly that's not the case. It is just so heartbreaking to see this happen to our babies.  Quincy is also having seizures. To date he has had a total of three, the first and most horrific one was back in Aug and was quite violent and prolonged. It lasted about 5 mins and he was a couple of days before he was back to normal. Nobody got bitten but I did have bruises on my arms. This happened on a Sunday so it was an emergency trip to the vet. His neurological exam and blood work were normal except for a slightly low phosphorus which the vet said would not account for the seizure. We did have his phosphorus rechecked a month later and it was normal. He went from Aug to Dec without any seizures and we were beginning to hope it was a one time thing, maybe something he had ingested. His last two seizures were not as violent or as prolonged as the first and his recovery was hours not days. We do have rectal Valium to give him for a seizure lasting more than 4 mins but have not had to give it yet. His last seizure was on Jan 20 so now I am in waiting mode and have pretty much decided that after the next seizure I will start him on meds. The protocol is to not start medications unless they have more than one seizure a month. Luckily all three seizures have happened at home. This just breaks my heart so I know exactly how you are feeling. I hate when I have to leave him alone and only do so for the shortest periods possible. I hope Boris is back to normal by now and if it's any consolation at all they aren't in pain and they most likely have no memory of the event at least that's the way it is for humans and they say it's the same for dogs.

Hugs to you all. Sorry about the novel.:>)

Donna, I'm sad to read this about Quincy  :(  I'm thinking that I may give Boris a late evening snack as both of these seizures have happened in the early morning. Luckily Joe works from home but of course there are times when we would be out so that is a worry. Boris is back to normal now and we went for a walk this afternoon.  Joe got quite a bad bite with three puncture wounds on his hand but he's been a trooper about it. I'm going to talk to the vet in the morning and see what she says...hugs to you and to Quincy too X

Oh Donna,  I had no idea.  I'm sad to hear this news about Quincy.  Glad though, that you came in here to share and support Nicky.

When Rosco seizes he is dazed and frozen on the ground except for some odd twitching and nothing about it suggests he might chomp or bite.  Should I keep my distance just in case it changes?

I would say yes. There was no indication that Boris might bite either. Joe just went to settle his head. I believe sometimes they can't see during the seizure and this is maybe what triggered the aggression which only lasted a second.

Morgan had about 3 - 4 seizures in a period of 3 years. In between we took him to the vet and after multiple tests they found his blood sugar was low. We did some research and determined this could be a trigger for his seizures. All of his previous seizures occurred early in the morning. So, we decided to spread out his meals to 4 times a day, the last one being as late as possible, at about 11pm. to maintain a more consistent blood sugar level. Since being on this schedule, he's had one seisure, that was a year and a half ago. We're hoping we are on the right track. It's certainly is something you can try. I wish Boris and you the best.

That is really interesting. I am giving a last small meal now at 11pm here just in case blood sugar dips are an issue. It sure can't do any harm anyway.




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