This issue is not dealt with in our community guidelines, per se.
So I would like to get the opinion of our members. What do you think
about owners starting forum discussions in order to rehome their doodles?
Do you feel differently about various situations?
-- longtime member who now is in a dire situation and needs to find a new home for their dog
-- brand new member whose purpose of membership is to find a new home for their dog
-- a doodle who will be given away free or almost free
-- a doodle who is being sold for a significant cost
Should there be a group for posting rehomes? Should they add their listing to the doodles in need?
Should it be not allowed at all? Any other thoughts on how we should handle this?
If the dog is being sold, should the member be directed to the puppy sales groups?
On the one hand we don't want this to be a doodle dumping ground, but on the other hand we have nearly 3000 people -- a HUGE audience and if someone needs to find a home for their doodle it sure is helpful to post here!
I agree with all of these comments. The main forum should not be a place for people who want to rehome their dogs, or even for dogs in shelter situations. We have groups for that...Doodles in Need calls attention to doodles in shelters and rescue groups, as well as those who are trying to rehome their dogs responsibly through IDOG or other organizations. We have discussions there which offer resources for those looking to rehome, as well, and will be happy to add more info if we need to. People looking for help are also free to message individual members...Jacquie has been very active in helping some of these. Longtime members who find themselves in dire situations can always reach out to us privately through messages to the group, or to individuals. People who are trying to sell their dogs are NOT "doodle lovers like you looking to connect ", and in my opinion have no business here. That's what classified ads are for. (This does not pertain to breeders, obviously, who are valuable members of our community and have their own groups for advertising puppies for sale.) I have taken a very firm stand against this type of thing being posted in DIN, so if there should be a place for these "ads", it needs its own group where those of us who are sickened by it can avoid it. I do not see where we want or need this kind of temporary "member" at DK.
I have to agree with Lori on the issue of "sad stories" filling up the main forum. Situations like Sophie's, which brought so much joy to all of us, as well as our valuable and much-loved member Liz, I think do have a place here, as that was something in which we could all participate and take positive action. (Lori, I hope you agree.) But individual postings of abandoned dogs, etc., should be kept in DIN, in my opinion. That will help keep things upbeat. (I looked at the main forum of another doodle site the other day, and was just nauseated by the discussions...dogs baked in ovens, stolen dogs, just one nightmare after another. I logged off immediately.)
As far as educating people, I think that would be most effective BEFORE they get their dogs. So maybe we could have a discussion on that in "Wannabe Doodle owners", or we could start a group with realistic, honest information for people who are considering getting a doodle, such as the "So You Think You Want a Doodle" group, lol. In fact, I volunteer to start that one up, if we think it's a good idea.
Enough from me. I will look forward to responses from the others on these questions.
I can agree with that. DIN has ads posted from Craigslist, etc. from people trying to rehome, so a DK member should probably be able to post in the same place if they find themselves needing to rehome. That makes sense to me.
Karen...I agree with everything you're saying. And yes it was a great joy to be able to help Sophie out!!! And then to have Liz sign on so we can watch her progress! I understand the need to post certain situations, but like the others have mention....I'm not wanting to see DK turn into another CraigsList.
I also agree with everyone here. There should be a seperate place for ALL rehoming and shelter dogs. I think the forum should be for connection of members.
I'm thinking this let's brainstorm, though...HOW can we do this and yet not end up becoming the pet's craiglist? Obviously members who join JUST to post their ads are not really members. Perhaps the group's guidelines can be to email one of us and WE will post the info and contact info for the rehoming human? That creates more work for whoever wants to take that on...but in that process the person could be educated about IDOG. Or a general notice in our community guidelines to contact IDOG or one of us rather than posting?
I agree with Lynne and with what Adina says at the end of the original post. I don't want DK to become a doodle dumping ground, but if it's a choice between posting an available doodle here or taking it to a kill shelter or other awful alternative, then I'm OK with them being posted here. I'd have to give some more thought on exactly how or where to post.
As far as DK getting sad, I think some sadness comes with the territory. I have a great time and a lot of laughs here on DK, but, lets face it, not all dogs have the great life that we all think they deserve to have. And like some of the newer discussions are saying, this terrible economy is making things worse. It just leads to a little more sadness than normal. If it takes some tears to get ourselves educated about what happens to some dogs, then I can deal with that. Reading about some of these other situations just makes me feel grateful that there are so many adopted doodles with great homes here on DK, and it makes me appreciate Halas even more. He's lucky to have a good home, and I'm lucky to have him. At least there are plenty of happy and goofy and informational conversations going on to provide a distraction on those days where the sad news feels like it's just too much.
If anyone has a dog to rehome they should contact Lynne, Karen or myself directly and we can post them in the appropriate discussions ..... in Doodles In Need and in the various regional groups....We can also put them in touch DIRECTLY with IDOG.......We can post on their behalf and avoid calling attention to the particular member...
I also think that Lynne, karen and myself should be able to post these dogs in the main forum with discretion of course.....For example, I recently posted and IDOG rehome in the main forum as requested by IDOG....He needs some additional help......
Hi Adina,
I think it is a good idea, because trying to rehome a doodle in this forum might have better chances than ending up in a shelter in the end.
I am looking for another Doodle as a buddy for Benny at the moment, not necessarily a pup but as I do in Europe the chances are not big except for a puppy but then with a long waiting list.
I would also foster Doodles if there is the need for it, but as I am aware nothing exists like this here. Therefore a group for Doodles in need is in my eyes a very good idea.
Doodleskisses from Benny and Zoe
I think that whatever gets the most attention will be the way to go, but I agree that we don't want to become a clearing house for unwanted puppies if its going to clutter up our usual discussions. I think a group is a good idea, but maybe it can have a "spotlight" on the main page, like the Idog sidebar.