Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Murphy our 45lbs, Golden Doodle, 1.5yrs old, has an old brother Tucker 9lbs, Chihuahua Poodle, 7 yrs old.
Tucker has always been pretty stern with Murphy over his space, because frankly Murphy is a clumsy fella, and would step on Tucker and almost run him over, so Tucker would show whose boss, and growl and bite Murphy's Legs to show him the boundaries. I felt like this was ok, up tell now, HAVE I CREATED A MONSTER ?
Now there is a problem I am noticing and I need some advice:
We were over at a friends house, and they just got a new Puppy 10 wks old, very innocent and playful, this was all about a month ago. Murphy became very dominate in his stance and was growling aggressively, I was very aware of this situation and was watching him like a hawk, until I turned away for a second and Murphy lunged and bite the puppy very aggressively and drew blood to his ear. This is the second time this has happen with a dog. The first time, I thought it was my others friends dogs problem- she has a Jack Russel who is a jerk most times, but I am beginning to think it just Murphy and that he is turning into a monster.
I am not sure how to handle this situation, these are my concerns.
Anyone have any advice?
His Personality(to give a little background):
His Actions:
My Worries:
I want to be able to make him not get aggressive, Any advice?
I appreciate any information and advice on this. I do not know what to do. :(
Has Murphy been neutered?
Yes, He was neutered when he was 4-7 months old.
If Murphy is not neutered get him neutered and get a trainer right now. Eighteen months is like a teenager and they both can be complete handfuls at this age.
Yes, He was neutered when he was 4-7 months old.
What kinds of training have you done with Murphy? It sounds like there's a lot going on here, and some real concerning behaviors. I agree that you need a trainer but not just one who teaches commands. You need someone who has experience with dogs that have displayed aggression towards other dogs and/or people. Until he is evaluated by a professional I would not have him around any strange dogs, and I would definitely keep him away from children. There was something about his energy that made the other dogs in the dog park surround him. Someone who really understands dog behavior would have been able to manage through that situation, but it certainly could have gotten out of hand and dangerous. It's critical that this addressed before you have can't keep him muzzled all day in his own home. Help me understand a little about his he getting plenty of exercise? It sounds like Tucker may be the alpha in the house.....I'm wondering if you've been able to show both dogs that you're the leader. Tell me about they eat they free feed. Is there any resource guarding with toys? What do you do when Tucker is growling and biting Murphy's legs?
Murphy and Tucker are kept in our Den during the day together alone, they seem to do fine in there together while we are at work, they have no accidents and seem happy when we get home. Murphy gets lets out in the yard daily with Tucker and they run in circles for about 20 minutes. They eat together yes, I use to only leave the food down for 15 minutes, but recently Murphy grazes and won't eat much within that 15 minutes so this is changed into a free feed situation, separated by a small table. They do not eat out each others bowls, or at least if I see they do it, I reprimand.
Tucker is definitely the ALPHA, when Tucker growls at Murphy it is usually when they are chasing each other around the yard, and Tucker is trying to keep up with Murphy. But last night a piece a food hit the ground from me cooking and tucker went to grab it and Murphy did that scary growl and went for Tuckers ear. That is when I put my foot down, figuratively and physically.
I am not sure what you mean by me showing them I am the leader, but they listen to me and are very alert when I throw commands at them. They both know sit, stay, come, shake and are very well trained at coming to me when I call them. Cannot come in from outside without sitting and staying until I say OK.
I do not know what resource guarding with toys means, but for instance when they plays tug a war they growl at eachother like dogs do, and when they play fetch together I throw the toys for them, Tucker definitely gets to the toy first most of the time, and Murphy just allows it and watches Tucker take it and bring it to me and doesn't seem to mind.
When Tucker growls if for instance if Murphy steps on Tucker I do nothing. But when tucker growls at Murphy when he is laying over his toy, I do not allow that. I do not approve aggression over toys. The growling when they are playing tug-a-war is fine, I think.
I appreciate your advice!
Well I can't see anything that you're doing that would be an obvious reason for Murph to act the way he has been. You didn't say what training you've done with Murphy...that's an important piece of this. You say they run around the yard, but do you ever take Murphy on a walk by himself? When you do how does he behave? I would definitely take control of the relationship between Tucker and Murphy....I would correct when either of them behaves inappropriately for now. In other words, YOU do the correcting rather than allowing them to correct each other. Resource guarding is when one of the dogs "protects" a toy or any other thing that they consider valuable from another dog or human by inappropriate means like growling. It sounds like when you play fetch with them Tucker is the one who is getting to the toy first. What I do with my guys is I have them both sit and stay....I throw the toy....I release one of them to get it by calling his name while the other one stays sitting. We just take turns...otherwise my Murphy would always be the one getting the toy. It teaches them that I"m the one in control and it's fair to both of them.
Thanks for the advise, I know every little thing helps. Our little chipoo, Tucker seems to have a harder time listening to his name than Murphy actually. We are trying the fetch, coming inside one at a time using their names, rather then calling them together- I really like this advise. Tucker listens to all commands no matter which dog, where Murphy does really good listening to his name. Tucker after 6 years of not having much hard training is getting knee deep into this new way of life, and he looks at me, like, what are you doing? It will take more time for Tucker to learn this than Murphy I think, but I do agree this will give both dogs the understanding, that we are the boss, the rulers of the house, and they will listen more and be more disciplined. We are going to implement this into every action they share, coming in from outside, getting in and out of the car, fetch, etc. I think this will definitely help them learn there names way more. Which in effect will make them listen more. I think they think they are one dog, and when Tucker listens to all commands, Murphy doesn't get that since of control, because Tucker is destroying it for them both, in my opinion. But this will all change.
I feel I am really adamant when it comes down to the line, and I will be very consistent with this new way of training. And things I learn into the future.
Side Note regarding the Dog park incident (where all the dogs surrounded Murphy): Did I mention we were leaving the dog park and Murphy was on a leash and the other dogs weren't. This probably didn't help the situation, the entire time we were at the park he seemed fine, running around, and not being affected to much by other dogs, while he was not on the leash. I bet he felt trapped on the leash when the dogs surrounded him. The other instance where he bit my friends puppy, we(4 humans, and 3 dogs, were all in a 700 square foot space) I am sure Murphy's anxiety was very heightened, and he felt he needed to protect his surroundings. Either way it is not OK that he gets aggressive in these situations, I am just detailing the scenario slightly further.
Regarding Training for Murphy:
We have not given Murphy any professional training, but I definitely see the need. I live just north of Seattle, WA and I know there are many trainers, it is just hard to pick one because there are so many. I wouldn't know where to start without spending an arm and leg trying different ones. Is there something specifically I am looking for in a trainer, that you suggest?
I just found this while about to post "Please Help" my goldendoodle has become aggressive at dog parks and I do not know what I should do. There have been now 6 or 7 instances where he is about to attack another dog and really, very nearly has. He is like a pit-bull. I use the park to exercise him. The suggestion was made that I walk him first and I have done that but it has not helped. This is my first dog and I have had a difficult time with him. I got him from what now sounds like a puppy-mill and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. I am bringing him to the vet again tomorrow. He has been to training classes almost 30 days. Crystal, did you find help here on doodlekisses and or were you able to solve Murphy's behavioral issue?
Is he fine EXCEPT in the dog park? What happens when you're walking him on leash and you pass another dog? Does he have any exposure to to other dogs other than the dog park?
For the longest time he was very difficult walking on a leash but only because he wanted to say hi to everyone and everything. In the last few months Bodhi has been attending woof-pack a dog hiking group once a week. He spends 5 hours with them walking with other dogs in the hills/mountains and or near the beaches. He walks much nicer on a leash now. However in the last few months he has become aggressive at the park where he normally has had a very nice time running around chasing balls, playing with other dogs. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow to try and rule out any illness as he has also lost his appetite in the last few days. Maybe it's woof-pack?
I feel I got my dog from a puppy mill also, he has really terrible anxiety and now the Aggression.
How old is your dog? Where did you get him from?
The "breeder" we got out dog from, kept Murphy in a big open kennel, with a doggie door to let him outside to go do his business. Other then that I think he had very minimal interaction with humans, other than a little boy who played with them in the yard. We got Murphy when he was about 3 months old, and he came terrified of our stairs, other humans, besides me and my husband, because we basically rescued him, more then got him from a breeder we feel like.
He is still very frightened by males, but not by people of any gender with a dog on leash while we walk.
It could be the breed too, does you dog have any signs of anxiety? Fear of men, children? Or is it just now a new thing around other dogs at the dog park?
Murphy is almost a year and a half old, and we never really took him to the dog park, because of his anxiety. It is a new thing, and I am scared he will bite another dog, because he seems angry like a pit bull also. :/
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