Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was wondering what everyone uses for flea and tick?  I was just looking at the oral Netgard from Frontline.  I really don't like putting that topical on his skin and was wondering if anyone has used the Netgard or has any suggestions.  Thank you!


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We found the topical much less stomach issues. But each dog is different.

I do the topical for flea and tick since she takes an oral for worms. Although she is still pretty wiggly for the topical. I just don't want her to have to take 2 orals. But if we end up with a second dog we may have to go that route or keep them separated for a day.

We use Nextguard and Heartguard. I give Duncan his flea every month on his birthday and the heart worm the following day. He's a little over a year old and has yet to have any issues with them.

We are using Nexguard and Heartguard without any issues.  I like the ease of the oral medication; Pickle thinks it's a very high value treat!

Since one of our dogs sleeps with us, we do not use a topical on them.  Yes, the oral medications are worrisome, but better than the alternative.  I look my dogs for a great walk on leash a few weeks ago at the National Monument at Ft. Ord and they had numerous ticks on them when we got home.  I also had a tick on me and my husband had a tick on him.  Gave the dogs baths and flea and tick medications but haven't let them go for a walk in the wilds since them.  Pick your poison and it all is poison.

I especially like the ease of Nexguard and my two had no tummy issues from taking both Heartguard and Nexguard. The only problem I have is the cost. Nexguard is about double the cost of frontline and with two it became too costly.

We use Nexguard and Sentinel without any issues whatsoever.  

I use the Nextguard for my Charlie.  He has not had any stomach issues with it (and he did with the topical).  He thinks it is a treat and eats it right up.  Charlie is a therapy dog and we make several trips a week to nursing homes so I like the fact that he doesn't have the chemicals on his skin.  



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