Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello... I have a 4 month old multigen goldendoodle he has a fairly shaggy/ wavy and some place curly coat. The past few weeks he has been shedding/ loosing massive amounts of hair. When I use under coat rake or a de shedder that does NOT cut the coat it is continuasly full of hair. I have read so much conflicting info on this. I am not sure if he is loosing is puppy coat.. And this is just temporary. Or am I over brushing and causing too much hair to come out. At what point should I be concerned?
I would greatly appreciate any insight anyone may have ..thanks

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Loki is an F1 bernedoodle and he shed from the time I picked him up until just around a year old and now he doesn't shed at all. The shedding was the worst around 8-11 months but even when I first got him at 12 weeks I had tumble weeds and hair everywhere. Around 9months I was totally convinced that I had a shedder. Honestly Im not sure when exactly the shedding stopped but this past weekend after I cut him down for his summer cut, he is now 13months I noticed that whenever I brush him I get maybe a few hairs. That might be the case with yours but with doodles you never know! I took Loki in very frequently to have his puppy coat brushed out at the groomers and that helped a lot because they would get soooo much out! Good luck with your little one!
I just looked at the pictures of your cutie and his coat seems similar to Loki's- the wavey part atleast.
Hi Jessica .. The pic of the red puppy was just a stock photo...but I just updated our profile pic and added some photos of our boy;) His name is Ramsey! I so appreciate your response. Thanks for the info:) It helps to know that other people have experienced the same;)
Oh such a cutie!

You really won't know for sure about shedding until - well, forever. :-} Not really, but some doodles shed at a certain stage  in their lives like not as a puppy but as an adult, some shed seasonally, some rarely shed or only into the brush, and some shed always and forever.  I have one doodle who sheds into the brush - if he isn't brushed he mats.  I have a second doodle who sheds tons.

My younger F1 GD also lost tons of hair right around 4 mos - the coat on mainly her body and head transitioned from puppy fluff to spiral-y waves that were much coarser.  I thought it was an early coat change, but now at exactly 1 yr old she seems to be going through the coat change I was expecting - and that my older GD had, which seems to be the "normal" one - with matts forming up close to her skin.  Like Nancy said, since all their coats are different, and ever-changing, it's hard to say if it's temporary.  Beasley's slowed down a lot after that set of curls came in, but right now she still sheds much more overall than my older one.  Your puppy is adorable!

Our 4 month old sheds like crazy too, but he has be shedding since the day he came home. It's his top coat that is shedding. He's got a tightly curled undercoat and a wispy fuzzy straight top coat on his back and sides. He's wavy curly on his heck/chest area and on his legs and feet.

His coat is just crazy. I have no idea if he'll ever stop shedding or what his coat will eventually be. Right now, he's go a little bit of everything going on.

I've just been using a pin brush. Someone told me to use the Furminator, but I'm afraid since his undercoat is not the issue. It's the stuff on top.



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