Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I've wanted to do this for a loooong time. I think perhaps next year might finally be the time to try it out.
My town, Walla Walla, Washington is way on the other side of the country from many of you. But it's a quaint town with culture and a bazillion excellent wineries.
So I was might be fun to host the first annual Doodle Kisses National Doodle Romp here. Super convenient for me, but would any of you travel for it? After next year we can move it around to different locations.
How many of you would drive over with your doodle(s)?
How many of you would fly over doodle-less?
How many of you are thinking "No way, crazy lady!"?
If enough people are interested...I can get started planning. I would most likely aim for May when the local wineries host their Spring Release or June when they do some other thing or another. BUT that means it would be crowded and hotels booked long in advance.
We have the option of a dog park in College Place (the neighboring town) and there is a nice park next to it. So we could meet at that park and then those that want to let their dogs off leash could meander over there. The park has benches so we conceivably have a picnic or get catering.
What sounds best to others? Would you prefer a more out of the way park without an official dog park? A hike/walk? Take over downtown and visit wineries?
2/19: UPDATE: I was going with the tentative date of June 9/10 with the option to stay the whole weekend for those who want to, but no official plans for the weekend. That seems to conflict with one member who REALLY wants to make it. So now I'm looking at June 23/24. The previous week is Spring Release weekend for local wineries and while that doesn't actually conflict with us, it might be really crowded. Please argue with me over this if you need to. I don't mind.
Unfortunately, we live in PA....too far to travel! Would very much like one in my neck of the woods!
It's a long drive for us and wouldn't attend this one but I think it's a great idea. If it was closer or possibly near a friend/relative that I could visit with, I would go! I love to discover new places but planning a big trip to Africa in 2016 so I have to watch my travel budget for awhile. I hope you go through with it and have fun!
I'd certainly be up for in the Portland, OR area, so a little drive, but nothing awful. I'll be anxious to hear how this evolves. I'd be up for an "off leach" dog park setting...or a "doodle parade" thru town..haha
I would LOVE to do this some time if we ever do it in the southeast!! I love the Pacific NW, but I wouldn't want to go to a Doodle Romp doodle-less... And I couldn't bring them from SW FL all the way up there... But I would drive to one sometime in the southeast! HAVE FUN!!!! I hope this comes together for you!!!
What a great idea! I would come, most likely (4hr drive). Would be great if we could make it a weekend - camping/hotel, dog walk/play, hiking, wineries (which allow doodles). Ride sharing might help. I can post to local Doodle Romp group, unless you are connected already.
A version on this could be organizing Romps on the same day at the same time (taking into account time zones) in larger cities all over the country. Phew, that's a big one.
There is a strong possibility of me bringing my doodle over the Cascades for a doodle romp. I know that Walla Walla is also great wine country and would love to go to the dog park and also visit the wineries.
National Doodle Romp would be great, but we are not likely to come to the Pacific Northwest for a romp. However, we could have a romp here at Carmel on the same date and if it is a "national" romp, maybe other areas could also have their romp on the same day.
Of course, if it is in 2016, sometime I will be picking up my new puppy in Deer Park and it may just work out that the dates coincide. We will see as the date gets closer.
Are you getting your puppy from Patty in Deer Park? We have two from her one is 10 yrs and other 8 yrs...and the 8yr old's sister went to my mother in law in the florida keys.
Not a bad idea. I will be at the Walla Walla Romp and bring my ipad - maybe we can connect online with Skype or Facetime while at the romps!
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