Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I wanted to share an interesting tid bit regarding Parvo. Until recently, I had never known any more about it other than you don't want your dogs to get it. But have found out that there is a strain, B19 that is a Human Parvo. My granddaughter, age 3 contacted it, and had the typical symptoms, so we were pretty sure what it was. The "Slap faced rash", low grade fever, cough....
Then mommy got it, same symptoms, expect add in joint pain, but she went to the dr for blood work to see if it really was what we suspected or something treatable, and the test was positive for B19. Of course nothing you can do for it but run its course.
The virus ran through her house and mine, with the 4 month old twin boys taking their turns with it and now me. It is pretty miserable, I must say. Or maybe I'm just a wimp, but I can see why all three of her kids just spent days crying and being held. I'd do the same it I could!!!
Just sharing, thought it was interesting.
Wow, I had no idea that humans could get parvovirus! I hope you're better soon.
Found this info on the CDC website for anyone who wants to read more about it:
Thank you Karen, it's been about 9 days and I am definitely better. There is not much that puts me in bed for two days, but this sure did. If I didn't know about the virus, I would have thought I had pneumonia! It goes mostlly undiagnosed in humans, especially adults, as it is rare and it requires a specific blood test that is not routinely done.
I was also happy to find out that dogs can't catch it from us! We have 4 doodles amoung us and all 4 will be with me for the next week. FUN times ahead!!!!
I am tickled that I was able to teach you about something!!!!
You'd better rest up, with 4 doodles in the house you need to be 100%, lol!
After taking care of newborn twins each day and helping mommy do what she needs and entertaining a 3 year old and picking up and transporting a 5 year old to activites, I am going to feel like just having 4 doodles is a vacation. All the above mentioned humans are away for at least one week. So grammie gets a much needed break. These 4 will be easy!
Never knew this either. Feel better soon.
Oh that sounds just awful. Hope everyone is on the mend.
Goodness me, I didn't know this either and it sounds horrible. Glad to hear you are all on the mend now.
It sounds like there are all sorts of parvoviruses...
"Parvovirus B19 (properly called human parvovirus B19) infects only humans...
Pet dogs and cats can get infected with other parvoviruses that do not infect humans. Pets can be vaccinated to protect them from parvovirus infection.
Since parvovirus B19 only infects humans, a person cannot catch the virus from a dog or cat. Also, a dog or cat cannot catch parvovirus B19 from an infected person."
I'm so glad you are feeling better.
This sounds exactly like what went through my son's family. I (and they) had no idea what it was.
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