I was thinking about this for a few weeks now and with some of the discussions on the main forum I think that it would be a good time for us to talk about it. I was wondering if we should establish a code of ethics or maybe something like a mission statement for the GRAD group and as always I would like input on this. Please leave comments below to how you feel about this and ideas you feel are important to the group.
As we grow and as Doodlekisses grows I believe that we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. We are one of the more active groups on the site, especially outside the forum and I would like for us to set some sort of goals and boundaries that as a group we would adhere to.
First off, we are a free group and will continue to be. It is open to all and the group belongs to everyone. Anyone can call for a gathering and I want everyone to feel as though they are welcome to bring any subject to the “table” so to speak. This group is simply designed for the love of our dogs and to represent the doodles as a new breed and yet unrecognized (not a mutt). GRAD is not here to make Doodles more popular than what they already are, but rather to inform and educate the public to their positive contributions to the canine world as well as pointing out the down sides (whatever that might be???).
Second, I think it’s important that our members of GRAD represent the group in a positive light, with kindness and caring attitudes to all. I am sure there will be disagreements within and outside of the group and it is important to remember the greater whole when these situations arise.
Third and probably most important is that the care of our doodles is of the utmost importance. It would be nice if members promise to care to the very best of their ability for their doodle. That shots are kept up to date, regular veterinarian care is given, that they are properly fed and in general are well cared for. If for any reason you are not able to care for your doodle please pledge to the group that you will ask for help. We are here for that and in turn I would ask that members pledge to help other owners in need. This may be a simple need like grooming, sitting, medical or even if a member is no longer able to care for their doodle. This does not mean that I am asking you to take someone’s dog but rather put forth ever effort to help find a suitable and qualified home if the need ever arises. Offer as much support as you are capable of giving.
One last thing that I have is that I would like to make available a form that would protect property owners if any one hosts a Doodle Romp. This would just be a standard form and would just give a little peace of mind to individuals who do choose to host home events. I have re-worked up a draft that was giving to me by Adina from the IDOGs Doodle Romps and it is very similar to forms that you sign for obedience class or doggy day care. I would also like input on this too.
Greater Richmond Area Doodle Group Waiver
"I____________________, understand that I am solely responsible for the health of my
(Print Name)
dog(s) and that they are up-to-date on vaccinations. Any medical issues that arise from
our participation, is my responsibility. I understand that I am solely responsible for any
harm caused to or by my dog(s) and family members while my dog(s) is/are on the
demised premise ___________________________. I hereby release and agree to hold
(Location Here)
harmless__________________________, it's owners, members, or agents of the Greater
(Location Here)
Richmond Area Doodles (GRAD) Group or Doodlekisses.com and their representatives,
from any and all liability, claims, suits, or damage of any nature or kind, or for any
liability, claims, suits, actions, loss, injury or damage which I, my family or my dog(s)
may sustain or which may be caused in any way by my dog(s). I specifically, without
imitation, agree to fully indemnify _____________________________ and the GRAD
(Location here)
Group or Doodlekisses.com Group. and/or their representatives, for any and all such
liability, claims, suits, actions, losses, injury or damage.
I certify that I have made full disclosure and have read, understand and accept the terms,
conditions and statements in this agreement. Furthermore, I acknowledge that this
agreement shall be effect and binding upon members of my family and or party."
_____________________ ______________________________
(Date) (Signature)