Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

For the last five years I have used Revolution on my dogs through the summer for flea and tick protection with a separate dewormer 1 - 2 times a year. . This year my vet is recommending combining Advantage Multi and Advantix II instead of the Revolution. Have any of you had problems with Advantage Multi or Advantix II?? I tried doing a quick search of the forum, but couldn't find anything recent. If I've missed a discussion, sorry!!

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I am very happy with Advantix II but would not combine it with anything unless recommended by the manufacturer, and I don't think it is. You would be putting TWO flea killers on the dog--not sure why you would do that...I would use a separate heartworm med and dewormer--but someone else may be more familiar with this.

Yeah, I found that strange too. I am concerned by the number of online reviews I have read reporting serious side effects after applying Advantix II. We live in a heavily wooded area with mosquitoes, ticks and black flies as well as the usual risk of fleas. I guess if you,use both products the Advantix II decreases the risk of being bitten, and then the Advantage gets anything that does manage to bite? It just seems like a lot of chemicals. I'm considering sticking with the a Revolution, just because I know both dogs do ok on it. The disadvantage is that things have to bite to be affected, so they are not protected against Lyme disease. Ugh, the decisions!
We are on our second summer with the whole flea tick thing. I too am muddling through. Last summer we started Spike on Advantix 2. He had a bad reaction to it. So bad that I didn't even apply the third month. Our vet switched us over to Revolution. Our vet actually had a lot of dogs have bad reactions to it last year. It was terrible! This year he won't even recommend it. Not to say it's bad for everyone. But for us. Heck to the no!!
I'm hoping revolution is okay. It's an all in one. I do worry about lime. There are too many choices out there. We need a food group type weath of knowledge for flea/tick/heartworm
I decided to stick with Revolution. I have used it for the last five years with no negative side effects, and decided I'd rather stick with what I knew!

Revolution only kills the american dog tick (or known as wood ticks

It doesn't kill the brown dog tick, deer tick or lone star tick which are the other kinds of ticks. Advantix II does supposedly kill all these other kinds of ticks but you have to be careful using the advantix II if you have cats, because if they lick it, they can die. If you have cats and use advantix II you have to keep them away from the dog for 24 hours. 

Revolution only kills ticks that bite, and Advantix II is supposed to also repel them.

Advantix II worked well for me last year, but I am not so sure this year, I found a fully engorged tick on Max last night, but tomorrow is his renewal day for tick treatment so I'm not sure if it was just because it's the end of the month or not.



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