Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This weeks slideshow is about those happy Doodle tongues. If you have pics, please add them! just tag your photos: "tongues15", and they should automatically update.
Next weeks slideshow theme is water Doodles. To be included you just need to tag your photos with: water15 .Please tag your photos by next Friday the 17th of July.
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This is my Happy Tongue
Please remember that you have to "tag" the photos that you want in the slideshow with the correct tag. If you need to know how to do that, please read the current discussion "How to tag photos for Slideshows" Putting them in this discussion, while cute, won't get them in the slideshow.
I did the tag tongues15 on my two pictures but they still don't show up. I must be doing something wrong. :(
V -- it is not automatic. Lori has to put them in individually so she probably only gets to it when she can. It will update once she has a chance to get to the photos.
They are in the slideshow now.
I've got it onto the front page now. So if you and Joani continue to make them (and either of you can I think--have Joani try it), once it is made I will put it up.
Ok, I will talk to Joani and see if she can do it. I will let you know when the next one is done. water15 is due to be posted on the 18th.
These are all adorable, cute, funny and sweet! Good job Lori and Joanne!
Hi Lori! This is my first time doing this. Hopefully I did it right. I did tag the picture I upload "tongues 15". Thank you! All the pics are so cute that I wanted Cooper to be part of the fun! :)
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