Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So just starting to get into the swing of all things doodle. Just wondering at what age do these guys start to "doodle out" ? My guy looks very retrieverish to me and just wondering when I may start to see some of those doodle features? Thanks!!!

I'm adding pics but I think because I upload from my phone that they don't upload the right way.

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Oh your little guy is going to doodle out just fine.  It will be a transition over the next year.  If you go to the Group Tab an then find the "From Pup to Adult" group you will be able to see the transitions in many different pups.  It is fun to see how they change during that first year.  Best of luck and we look forward to lots of pictures.

Thank you!!! I hear they change a ton! It will be fun to watch him m!

It does take a few months, but I don't see that your guy has an open face. I see some feathering there.My husband thought Annabelle looked retrieverish when we first brought her home. She looks doodly now at a year old.

So cute!!! I think her puppy fur looks a lot like mine!!

He's so precious!  Yep, he's going to doodle out - I see the little curls on his ears and that puppy fluff looks doodle-y for sure - it reminds me of both my doodles as puppies.  He looks so soft and cuddly!  :)  I think you'll begin to see it within a few weeks, but like the other ladies said, it happens over the first year - they change a LOT.  Congrats and welcome to DK!

Great!! Thank you!!!!
Oh such a cutie! I will try and attach some pictures of Moose. At least with him he started out looking like a tank and not very doodl-y too me and now I think he looks much more doodlish. I'm on my iPad so the photo uploading won't be right in the thread- sorry! The first pic is at 4weeks
Here is 8 weeks
And here is 4 months, what he currently looks like. Again sorry I can't load these in a more convenient way! I think the doodleness will come, take lots of pictures- the change so much!
Your guy is super cute!
Thanks, so is your little guy! Great coloring!

Jessica, is your doodle an F1b?  Standard or mini?  I'm getting an F1b mini on August 28th.  I can't wait!



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