Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My puppy is 5 months old and I started noticing these small crusty scabs on his body. He doesn't seemed bothered by these, but I always feel them when I scratch him. I just got him treated for fleas and ticks so I don't think that's the cause. I posted this on the health group and got some good responses, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue with their dog. I also attached a picture to this post.. Thanks!

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Looks like some sort of dermatitis. Are you getting any responses on the health board?
He's a cutie, btw.
Thank you! (:

Libby just developed this recently - the vet said it is an infection.  She started antibiotics a week ago today and they are going away.  They don't seem to bother her at all - no itching or pain.  But happy they are disappearing!

I just saw your post.  Yesterday, I found something similar on Charlie's head.  I could not get him into the vet until tomorrow.  Today, one of them is leaking fluid.  I am so glad I have an appointment at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.  He also does not seem to be bothered by them - but I am!  Seems strange several dogs have this at one time, doesn't it??  I hope you will take your little doodle the vet asap. 

Hoping for a easy fix for Charlie!

We went to the vet today and Charlie had to have a 2.5 inch circle shaved on the very top of his head! It looked so raw and red after it was cleaned up of hair and the fluid that had seeped out of them and matted in in his hair overnight!  Yikes!  It looked worse than I thought.  He is to take one cephalexin every 12 hours for 7 days.  Really hard to tell what caused this. 

Poor Charlie! Thank goodness you brought him in and hopefully he's on the mend!

Thanks Janie.  This really scared me - it got yucky so quickly.

They can damage their skin so fast. Something itches them, a bug bite maybe, and they scratch at it when you're asleep or away from the house, overnight there are scabs. It used to happen with JD before we got his allergies under control. I'd find scabs and even a skin infection somewhere not obvious, like the inside of his thigh, and had no idea what caused them, never saw him working at the area. His dermatologist explained to me that they can do it overnight. 
You may want to give Charlie a good probiotic while he's on the antibiotics. Make sure to give it at least two hours apart from the meds, and longer is better. I hope he's better soon.

Thanks Karen.  I will make sure to give him the probiotics. 

Karen - I'm having a similar problem.  This winter my dog Bailey started getting these little scabs under her chin then a larger skin infection appeared on her belly.  She was put on a course of antibiotics - it would clear up for a few weeks then the cycle would start all over again.  It just started again this week so she's on antibiotics.  The vet said to start the food trials for allergies.  She was eating Origen Regional red and loved it so I switched over to Orijen 6 fish - unfortunately she won't eat it. Any ideas - I'm really frustrated and feel bad for her. Is Natural Balance crappy food - some people's reviews seem positive.

btw - the groomer wondered if the original scabs were caused by mosquito bites - think that's possible?

I'd be grateful for your thoughts

I really think that if the scabs were due to food allergies, you'd be seeing way more obvious symptoms than the scabs. She'd be biting, licking and chewing at her paws, groin, axilla, rubbing her face and eyes, etc. 

If you do want to pursue the food trial, though, there are some excellent LID formulas, including Acana's Duck and Bartlett Pear from their Singles line. 

Did the vet do a skin scraping? 



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