Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Vada Claire
June 19, 2015
Our little bundle of fire! We picked her up Saturday-I'd forgotten how exhausting a little puppy can be! We are totally in love already! Sweet puppy breath and all... I was pleasantly surprised with the goodie bag the breeder sent home! A blanket AND a lovie with scents from her Momma, a Snuggle Puppy- YES a Snuggle Puppy!! We had gotten Jack a Snuggle Puppy which I still have but I had been slacking and hadn't ordered Miss Vada her own yet. Now she has her own. Some super cute toys were also in the bag that she LOVES and a leash, a CUTE girlie collar and a container of food. She sleeps great at night-with us. Crate-not so much. She and Jack are almost EXACTLY 2 years apart. His birthday is June 22, 2013. So the journey begins...

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She is beautiful.  What a goody bag.  Have fun.  Second one is easier as they sort of follow the older one (usually).  Have fun.  lots of pics.

What a little cutie. I love her color. That is a very nice goody bag. I bet Jack and Vada will become best friends.

She is gorgeous and what a great goody bag. I think my breeder handed me Fudge and said, "Here you go." LOL  Enjoy her. I loved that puppy stage.

Gorgeous red pup. Enjoy!

Adorable and what a gorgeous color!  Enjoy your new puppy!

She is so cute!! 

Nice goodie bag!  Enjoy this beautiful girl. Hoping to see lots of photos of Vada and Jack.  Let us know how Jack transitions to having a little sister. Oh, and now you can join the Multiple Doodle Group.

Awww..... she's adorable.  Congratulations!

Aww, so sweet to have a puppy again, but yes, lots of work. It did seem easier the second time tho and mine never slept in the crate for more than a night or two, then it was in bed with us and we never looked back.

Just looking at this nice goody bag and happened to think that the only thing missing is a "My First Collar By Woofus".  Check out their facebook page.  You might want to tell your breeder about them.  She does gorgeous collars to send the puppies home in with the breeders name on them.

Sheri thank you for your kind words and suggestion :) but Holly has been a client of mine for years. She actually has an order arriving in a few days :) . My clients have been extraordinarily gracious in allowing a little wiggle room due to my chemo treatments so I suspect Holly had to make a substitution for this litter. Clearly Holly made certain that Baby Girl Campbell had all she needed. What a wonderful puppy pack from a wonderful breeder!

Oh my Carole!!! I love them!! Would I be able to purchase one with the Four Paws label? The sub that Holly sent is very cute but I would LOVE one of these for Vada! They are precious!! We LOVED our goodie bag!!!



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