Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone I know it's been forever since I've been on doodle kisses but honestly my doodle Bears have been great and I havent really needed any advice, until now. Maggie has had diarrhea for the past 2 days and it's concerning me because she's not really ever been sick since we've got her, and she's not really a "puppy" anymore so I know diarrhea Is rare! We feed them earthborn hollistic and we typically stick to the fish formula but we had to get the primitive naturals formula a couple of days ago because they were sold out of the other flavor! It didn't concern me too much because I thought that it was fine to change flavors within the same brand, it could be because of that though because it started the next day after the flavor change, Jace is feeling fine. She's acting fine, a little under the weather today, and I don't think she's dehydrated, I've been checking her gums though, I started her on the bland diet at lunch today and have been giving pumpkin which doesn't seem to have helped any.. We're taking her to the vet this evening but I guess I'm just looking for some insight into what's going on with her, I always get worried when my furbabies are feeling bad.

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It sounds to me as if it is a reaction to the change in protein in her kibble, because the diarrhea began right after switching food. Just in case it's something else, I'd bring a stool sample to you so that the vet can check for parasites. I hope Maggie feels better, regardless of the cause.

***That was supposed to read, "with you."  Oops.

That was just what I was thinking....let us know what the Vet says.  Hope she feels better soon.

Feel better Maggie!

Fecal came back normal but she got a antibiotic shot to be on the safe side, he gave us some liquid stuff to give her to firm up her stools and said to continue a bland diet and slowly integrate her back to her old formula, he thinks it's a food issue or she's ate something that dIdnt agree with her. No obstruction either so we will just wait this out and hope she gets better in a couple of days! Thanks everyone:)

I hope she feels better soon!

When Skadi was younger, I tried all sorts of kibble and she had all sorts of problems...itching, discolored fur, anal gland issues, diarrhea, ear infections...and believe me, I bought the VERY best...or so I thought it was the very she is raw fed and her problems have gone away...just saying :).  I did not get ANY support from the Vets I took her to with all her problems....they had stern warnings that I would create MORE problems with raw feeding.  There is little support on this site for raw fed.  I know many DKers do not mind feeding their dogs dry dog food, but after researching the dogs digestive system I have become a firm believer and feeder of raw.  She has been raw fed for over 3 years...she is 4 now and is only goes to the Vet for her check-ups.

When I read these posts and the doodle owners have concerns, I want to share my success with getting my dog healthy.  Yes, I understand raw is not for everyone...I've been told that many times...but that will not prevent me from sharing my own personal story every time I read someone having issues with their dogs food.  Good luck and happy researching!

Skadi's diet:  7 oz raw frozen in a.m. and p.m :chicken, pork, beef, rabbit, fish, venison.  1oz of organ meat daily. Supplements:  chicken backs, necks, cod liver oil, pumpkin.

Did Skadi throw up a lot before changing her diet to raw?  You mentioned discolored fur - was that around the mouth?  Have been doing research and it can be overwhelming as you probably know.  Our doodle has stomach issues and has acquired dark hair around the mouth.  Anything like that happed to Skadi?  She looks soooo much like Skadi in the face.

No Skadi was not throwing up at all.  I had her on a very good dog food before I switched her to raw.  She turned 5 in July and still the only time she goes to the vet is for checkups.  She has not had ONE, NOT even a little ear infection and no more diarrhea..for the past 4 years....coincidental?  Then when we adopted Elli, she came with a giant bag of kibble with oats in it and the owner was telling me she is sensitive to grains...I put Elli on raw,  cold turkey(that's a play on words if I've ever used one...LOL) and we have never looked back.  Elli's fur color has changed to a burnished brown from a washed out blond color when I got her 9 months ago.  She is 6 1/2  and acts like a puppy.  Haven't had ANY issues with her health.  PM me any time if I can help.

Aww, hope she is better soon.   Tough to see them not feeling well



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