Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Gracie is my first goldendoodle (F2b), and she appears to be flat coat.  She had more waves as a 4-6 week old... longer, straighter hair at 6-8 weeks, and appears to be losing her longer hair now.  When we got her last week you could see the longer wispy hairs sticking out everywhere; now, not so much... I think they ended up on my black fleece jacket yesterday! :)  Do the coat changes start this early?  Her head, ears, and tail actually seem to be fluffier now with slight waves down her spine, but her the rest of her body coat is short and fine. What should I expect?

Also, she is exactly 10 pounds... her mom is 50 lbs / dad is 25 lbs... thoughts on weight?


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She's a doll!! Some doodles shed very little, and some shed a lot. What you are describing seems perfectly normal to me. When they are really young like that they seem to grow in size and change their overall appearance on a nearly weekly basis. It will be fun to see the progression!The little bit of curl that I see in her ears tells me she is likely going to get a little more wavier as she gets older. 

You will know more about her adult size when she gets to 4months old. The rule of thumb for an approximate adult weight is to double the weight at 4 months  + or - 10lbs. 

We got our Kate at 17 weeks.  She had a little long hair on her face.  Soon her back got coarse and wavy and then her legs. She now has a great coat for wavy coat with a light beard and great eyebrows.  The most she shed was around 8 months when her coat changed.  She has seasonal shedding but not bad if she is brushed.  Otherwise her grooming isn't bad.  I cut her hair closer in the summer because she was so hot.  I think the best part of having a doodle is guessing what will they look like, like kids.

She looks alot like my flat coated F2b doodle thats 8 weeks old I mean almost identical!!  

Gracie is 7 months now (35 lbs)... shedding isn't too bad... I'm hoping the low-shed continues!  Her waves are thick down her back, butt, and tail but no furnishings on her face...

This is Gracie a few weeks ago with our cockapoo Lucy...

Gracie has very pretty fur.



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