Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I feel like the worst doodle momma this evening. I took my 12 week old mini-goldendoodle for his usual afternoon leashed walk and we saw another leashed dog being walked by a friend in my business complex. The vet has been encouraging me to begin socializing and we've been doing that alot over the past few weeks and Lambeau, my doodle has been doing great!. The dog was fine and then we turned to go back to my office and the other dog attacked Lambeau out of nowhere! He was a beagle/terrier mix. He bit him 3 times which one of the bites in his leg cursed his bone to break and then he latched himself onto the back of my doodle's neck and I physically was pulling the dog off my Lambeau. long story short Lambeau is in the ICU this evening awaiting surgery for his leg tomorrow. Good news is there is no spinal damage and he is being pumped full of antibiotics to resist infection. Have any of you experienced anything like this or a broken leg in a small puppy? What types of things should we be looking at in terms of recovery?

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Poor Lambeau.  I hope he recovers quickly.  I had a cat who broke its leg.  He recovered and lived a long and healthy life.  Please have the vet look over Lambeau very carefully.  I had another cat who as a kitten got into a cat fight.  I brought him to the vet and they treated him but because of his thick fur, they did not notice a laceration on his back.  A day later, I was petting him and noticed it and had to bring him back in for a drainage tube and stitches - I almost fainted during the procedure!  

I am so sorry this happened.  It is something we all fear might happen to our precious pups.  I hope surgery and recovery go perfectly as planned.


Do you have  updates for us today on Lambeau? How is he doing?

Oh my goodness, this had to be so scary for you and the little fellow...I hope the other person has offered to cover or at least help with the vet bills???...I am so hoping all goes well tomorrow with the surgery and he recovers quickly...I just don't and never will understand why people don't keep dogs that do these things on a tight leash...I tend to agree with what others have said, i would definately report this to the police.  Please keep us informed....Hugs, cheryl, Olivers Mom

Megan ~ how is Lambeau doing?  Any update?

Poor little Lambeau!!! How heartbreaking for you to see your baby hurt!!! How is he doing today?
Lambeau update: I spent the majority of the day on the phone with family members, vets, an attorney, and the surgeon. They delayed Lambeau's surgery until tomorrow due to an overwhelming case load today. He will go in sometime tomorrow. Good news is the surgeon and our vet both say the surgery isn't too complex and they anticipate a quick and good recovery for him. They have no concerns with long term effects in terms of his growth and development. More good news is the vet is confident we can move him past this experience. He thinks he is still just young enough to be able to forgive and forget in a way. He is encouraging limited socialization...obviously with certain restrictions and things, but he feels like the more I do those things we were previously doing the quicker he can move past this.
Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers. They mean more to me than anything and it's so great to have a community of doodle lovers! I've been posting updates on Lambeau's IG @lambeau_the_minidoodle for those that are interested in staying up to date with us! I will try to post something tomorrow sometime when he is out of surgery. He should get to come home Thursday and then begins a long 4 weeks of crating and limiting his activity. Prayers are much appreciated ;)

Thank you so much for the update! Is the other owner taking responsibility?

The owner covered the original expense of $650 yesterday but said he wants to be on the low end of the surgery bill. I contacted an attorney today and SC is a strict liability state meaning regardless on anything before the incident if a dog attacks a human, or other animal and causes damage then the owner is responsible for all the damage...even if Lambeau "provoked" the other dog, which he did not, it wouldn't really matter since regardless that dog attacked and caused harm to mine. Now we r awaiting final estimates of post-op care and then will proceed with a conversation once we have the final estimate. Regardless if he doesn't pay, then we can file a claim under his home owners insurance since the dog's attack technically falls under property damage. Long story short, I don't wanna be one of those people however my 12 week old puppy was viciously attacked and the least the owner can do is cover current expenses. Who knows what kind of emotional and psychological or heaven forbid any other physical issues arise in the future because of this attack. We will be paying the cost of this long after this surgery so the least he can do is cover that cost and his post-op care.
I apologize for grammatical errors and my crazy use of commas haha! I'm on my iPhone ;)

Well, thats good that he is paying so far! Don't worry about being one of "those people". You didn't do anything wrong and deserve to be compensated. Too bad Lambeau can't tell you how much mental anguish he has suffered. Hugs to both of you. I am so thankful there was not greater physical damage done!

So sorry to hear about this horrible incident. Wishing Lambeau a speedy recovery. Lambeau is adorable!



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