Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our Winnie is 7 months old and still a puppy, I realize that. Most of the time she's very loving but when she wants to play she will not accept NO  or NOT NOW….and she starts biting, not mean biting just playtime biting and will not stop. I've tried bitter apple spray, works temporarily….getting up and walking away, she follows me and bites my pant leg….even a time out, that seems to work for the moment, but the next time she wants to play it starts all over.  This is whether she gets outside playtime or not. HELP!!

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My 7 month old Lexee is more mouthy lately......I think they may be teething a bit ...maybe their back teeth? I have been giving her a frozen cloth and some bully sticks....she is really chewing on those so maybe try that with your puppy....

Thanks…I'll try the frozen cloth since she seems to prefer soft things like fingers and toes…LOL….she's had bully sticks and frozen Kongs with peanut butter for a long time and it hasn't stopped her. 

It's sounds like she's getting overstimulated. Maybe you should tether her to you as you walk around so she can have your company but you'll be able to correct her more easily when she's troublesome. Until she outgrows this phase I would refrain from playing with her and take her for long (hopefully tiring!) walks instead.

I doesn't take much for puppies to become overstimulated trying to calm them back down can be difficult.  I'm a big fan of the time out the minute you think the puppy is getting overly excited.  Eventually she'll learn, but for now you just don't want to give her the opportunity to "practice" that biting behavior.

Good advice….in fact she is more settled after her morning walk.

I agree with Leslie and Jane. The only thing that I would add is that you can maybe try having a toy at the ready to stick in her mouth when she gets rowdy. It's okay if she takes out her rowdiness on her toys... just not you. :P

I suggest playing with her for a few minutes and ending with "enough" and sit or down wait near you and a chew toy.

Even better if you can start a short play session before she asks.  Puppies take a lot of time, but it is time well spent as it

ends with years and years of a well loved dog.  It does mean taking out time somewhere else, but worth it.

Thanks everyone for the great tips….some I've tried and some I haven't and will …I'll keep you posted on Winnie's progress.



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