Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Looking for some advice or insights...

Finn has always been a velcro dog -- my shadow --and as sweet as his devotion is, I know it's not just love --there's some component of anxiety to it and that makes me sad for him, sometimes. I guess the correct term is hyper attachment or attachment dysfunction.  BUT Finn has been well socialized and easy to train. Always happy to meet and greet new people in all sorts of settings - as long as I'm within sight. When he sees some of his favorite people, we still have to remind him to keep 4 paws on the floor. He's never had typical separation anxiety --never been destructive when left alone. He loves going places, seems to enjoy his therapy work - especially with the kids (although the children he had become so attached to over the past 2 years moved on to middle school and he's got a new group this year). On the flip side, he's territorial and protective when he's home but once he knows you're welcome, he's back to wagging his tail. So I have no explanation for his strange behavior last week when I took him to visit family and friends in VA.

He knows everyone, knows the house etc.  He's been going there several times a year since puppyhood and always enjoys it. He doesn't feel he has to "watch over" their home (which I think must be a huge relief to him) and greets everyone who comes in or out.  But this time he was:

Irrationally fearful as soon as we walked in the house.

Looked from side to side, behind him, up at the ceiling as if something was coming after him.  This state of high anxiety/fear continued over 4 days.  It was awful to see him so frightened and not be able to help him. He fell twice on the stairs trying to get away from...what???

Would not come to anyone including me. In fact, when I knelt down on the floor and tried to talk to him, he barked and barked at me, but would not approach me.  We gave him his "space" and everyone put treats in their pockets that they would toss to him as he passed. I picked up a lot of treats.

Ran up to our room if anyone approached him. He seemed to feel safe on the bed.  He spent a lot of time there over 4 days. I was able to to calm him in the bedroom.

He barely ate (despite us cooking up ground beef and chicken) for him.  Nope, wouldn't touch it. Drank lots of water.

When he was with all of us, he avoided being touched by anyone, except once when he sought out my niece's husband.

I was about to take him to the emergency vet BUT he seemed to relax when we went for walks.  Once back in the house though, his fear increased again and he acted like ghosts were chasing him. We were all concerned. One guest asked if he was blind!  Someone else thought he was an abused rescue - not trying to be dramatic but that's how bizarre his behavior was.  

Got him home, called his vet, but once home he was back to normal (thankfully). His therapy session with the kids this week (which I thought about canceling) went ok. We just returned from some errands this morning and he greeted everyone happily -customers and rescue pups -- as we shopped for Christmas treats. Several people remarked how sweet, friendly and well behaved he was. I'm thinking you should have seen him a week ago !!!!!!  SO glad my boy is back because I don't know who that dog was in VA. The doc wants to run a panel of thyroid tests.  

Medical or behavioral?  Completely baffled.

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Thanks Joanne.  Everyone's used to him being aloof sometimes - especially when I leave for a bit.  But this had us all concerned because he acted like he was being attacked by something we couldn't see.  I think Karen's idea that he was hearing something we couldn't sounds the most plausible.

Karen, with the help of Leslie's cue, this might be that discussion

My Mom lives in a seniors complex where they all own their individual homes but they're all attached.  Some of the residents had mice in their garages and bought the electronic mouse repellents which is supposed to emit a high pitched sound that humans can't hear but discourages mice from eating or nesting in that area.  Apparently, cats were going nuts and it took a long time to figure out why - I don't know how far the sound reaches, but that might be something to look into (neighbours etc.?) 

I also posted earlier this summer that when we were taking Myla for a leashed walk in a campground, she just took off on the leash, dragging us and she would not stop and when we finally got her to stop, she would not stop trembling.  The only thing we could think of is that it was LED lights strung on a trailer that flashed different colors - still not sure if it was the actual lights or if they were emitting a sound.  Maybe Christmas lights or decorations are emitting a noise that scared him?

I'm glad that everything is better now that you're home, but it's definitely something to try to figure out before you go again.

Wendy, I think that was the discussion I was thinking of, about the lights at the campground. 

I remember that discussion as well and googled LED lights as we had just replaced some in our home. There are some that are reported to have a high frequency noise that even human ears can detect when close enough. Maybe start with asking about any new lights??

Here's the link:

Cheryl, there's some good info in that discussion that may well help you figure out what frightened Finn. 

Thanks Karen.

Good thought but the only Christmas lights were outside on the neighbors' houses and they didn't bother him on our walks.  It was just in the house.  In fact, he sat his butt on the sidewalk and did not want to come back in the house every single time. He absolutely would not come back through the garage entrance -- and we use that all the time.  Another thing to check -- does she have any electronic mouse repellents in the garage?  Good thought.  Thansk.

It sure sounds like there is something in that house that's spooking him. 

I was wondering about the mouse repellents too.  We have them at the cottage and never had an issue with Gavin or any other dog visiting.  I have seen how it messes up a bat though.  But that's a story for another day lol.

So strange Cheryl.  I hope you can figure out what is going on before your next trip back with family.  I find it interesting how sensitive some dogs versus those that are not.  Charlie is very in-tune with any one that walks through the door when it comes to their inner energy.  Beau on the other hand could are less  and does not seem to get vibes from people, only bright lights and sounds. I wish our doodles could talk!  Sometimes Charlie looks at me with those eyes and I just wish he could tell me what is the matter.

Thanks Linda.  Finn is more like Charlie. He just lights up with some people, others he likes but is kind of reserved --maybe because they are reserved with him-- and some he'll just avoid. When he was a pup, I had a pet sitter come in when I couldn't take him to the office or get home at lunch.  After she took him out, she said she would bring him in to play but he kept going in his crate.  She commented, he really likes his crate. I was astounded.  He hated that crate:) That was it for her. I wish they could talk too.



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