Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Unfortunately, on Saturday, Orwell got sick and threw up several times. I thought he may have had an upset stomach because he ate some type of animal droppings when we were out in the front yard playing. 

He has evidently had a piece of cloth bouncing around in his stomach for several weeks after my mom gave him a blanket to have while he is outside unsupervised. This was against my wishes, but she was adamant at the time that he should have his bed even more comfortable out there. She feels really guilty now, so I don't want to rag on her. I know Orwell will get through this, even though it could have been avoided. Anyway... the cloth moved into his small intestine. 

I've spent the day in and out at the emergency vet. We gave him 12 hours of IV fluids to see if the cloth would start to pass. It hasn't, so he is in surgery now. Luckily he is young and should bounce back from this pretty well. I have been depressed today and yesterday, and felt I should let you all know. 

I'm going to get a call in 2-3 hours about how the surgery went. I will update you all tomorrow morning. 


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How's Orwell doing?

Glad to know he's home and recovering.  How is he now?

UPDATE: Thank you for your continued concern. Sorry I haven't been on in a couple of days. Orwell requires 24/7 surveillance and care at the moment. However, Orwell is doing great. During the day he doesn't have to wear his cone of shame. Similar to his neutering, he has no interest in his incision. The real problem has been the edges of his shaved area... they are just so itchy for him, but it is getting better because his hair is growing back. He also had his first bowel movement a lot sooner than thought. No accidents... he still remembers how to use the bell and has not had diarrhea. Better yet, he is his normal cheerful self. He's just a little bored because I refuse to play with him and he isn't allowed upstairs for another week. I stay downstairs with him all day, but he really misses my room (I do too, lol). We haven't gone for a walk yet because it is very rainy and stormy here in the northwest right now, but I plan on taking him for a short one tomorrow. 

He should be able to get his staples out on the 21st, and then he has a groom on the 22nd. Hopefully they can even him out a bit. 

I was worried he would hold leaving him at the vet against me. I visited him while he was there multiple times, and had to leave... I didn't want him to be traumatized, but wanted him to be as comfortable as possible while there. The worry was for naught, though. He hasn't changed a bit. He's still following me around and bugging me for pets and when I go upstairs to get something he waits at the bottom of the stairs watching for my return. No one in my family can distract him. 

I'm really very happy with the service that he got at that vet. I'm going to write a thank you letter to them for when I take him to get his staples out. They are excited to see him when he is like himself... he was a big hit there.

Glad that Orwell is doing better!



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