Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone. It's been so very long since I've been on DK. Life has been changing dramatically for me and my family. My son who is 7 has a variety of health issues and we simply cannot get the care he needs here. So we are moving to a neighboring state for better options.
As some of you know we have 2 kids and 4 standard doodles: Mac, Pickles, Brisby and Jake. As with everything my 2 legged and 4 legged kiddos are always on my mind. Therefore locating a property in Colorado has been tricky as I need to accommodate our Crew.
Husband and I decided on a home in Northern Colorado Springs. It's forested on 2/3 of an acre. My doodles and kids are suburb born and raised so this will be quite a change. I know both the doodles and kids will love having lots of area to play. In addition, the basement has an extra bedroom that will become the doodle room (yes the boys are getting their own room) which will have my grooming area and bedding, house their toy boxes, etc.
We are getting the property completely fenced in. Probably a 5 foot chain link as my doodles are not jumpers but I'm going above the typical 4 foot fencing just in case. In addition, I'm going to enclose a smaller section of the "yard" with extra secure perimeter for potty runs and basic doodle short term frolicking when I need to let them out while I'm doing basic housekeeping.
My concern is safety and security of the doodles with fencing- both big perimeter fence and smaller yard. Our current house has concrete cinder block walls. Good for no line of site viewing of what neighbors are up too. Also you cannot dig under. Our future property will not have this (unless smaller yard area done in pickets). Even though I know they will have tons of room to run, I worry about them digging out from under the perimeter of the chain link.
I plan on watching them, not leaving them go for extended periods of time outside but now I can leave them out for a half hour to an hour and not worry about them.
This will be new for them. Lots of room to roam but I want them safe. I'm a bit nervous about their new found area of freedom and how they will react to wide open spaces secured by fence that can be seen through (the more I think about it the more I'm convinced the smaller yard needs to be enclosed with something they can't see through).
I've gotten some comments that I'm crazy for enclosing our entire 2/3 an acre property with serious fencing but I'm a safety but I guess.
So any thoughts on this? Any thoughts on living with doodles on lots of property especially if forested? I'm pretty new to all this mountain living with dogs.
Excited and worried. Moving in about a month and a half. I'll try to post some pictures of the house and property.
Thanks in advance for any help.

House in summer

House in winter:

Back of house:


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I don't think the first link works but the others do. You should be able to scroll through the images once you are in my photo bucket.
Also, our large full lot fencing is almost 800 feet so certain types of fencing are just not doable finacially. Chain link seems the most secure for the money.

We do not have chain link but five feet of wire fencing topped with wooden boards.  The only problem we have with it is when the girls see neighbors drive down their driveway they always feel they should alert us and I am not fond of them barking like that. If you already know your kids are diggers you could ask for a bottom board to be sunk into the ground that will give them something to hit and stop them when they go to dig.  I am not sure why it would be lazy to have a fenced in property, not only does it keep my girls safe (coyote in our area), I don't have to worry about them encountering a skunk, raccoon, possum or other creatures when I let them out in the dark.  You will be glad you did it.

I don't think you're crazy at all for fencing the full property; DRC's adoption coordinator recently built a new home on 5 acres and fenced the entire property. (She's got three large male doodles). Some people don't do it simply because it's expensive, but to me, it would be a priority. IMO, a small price to pay for peace of mind and your dogs' safety. 

I have arbor vitaes planted along my chain link fence on the street side of my yard. It provides privacy (i.e. blocks the dog's view) and prevents them from jumping over the fence. They might clear a 4 or 5 ft fence, but unless they're related to Evel Knievel, they can't also clear the row of 10 ft tall, 6 feet wide evergreens beyond the fence. I know that with a lot your size, the cost would be prohibitive, but you could start with those areas that have the most potential for distracting views. 

Just had a conversation with my husband about the digging.  He thinks another alternative to burying a board would be put a footer under the fence or bury a row or two of cement blocks and put the fence above that.  Costly but long lasting and does the trick.

Chicken wire extending down below the soil line has worked for some of my neighbors who have diggers.

I'm not sure if I have digger-outers. They dig here at times but more from being bored because I'm busy with getting the house ready to sell.

That's been my experience. Except for terriers, who will dig instinctively because they're ratters and that's what they were bred to do, digging is usually due to boredom. 

Thanks Karen. My main concern Is line of sight. Jake has a high prey drive and he's also territorial and likes to tell strangers it's his yard.
I have the majority of my yard fenced, the exception being the yard right in front of my house. I fenced originally to keep deer out and that has been successful. The fencing is heavy duty vinyl mesh that is around five feet tall with cables above it to about seven feet. I have let shrubs and vines screen the fence and in many places the fence is invisible.. Then I got the doodles and they don't get out unless a gate or door is left open. The bottom of the fence is a wire covered mesh since woodchucks did chew through. Small creatures, rabbits etc can and do come in the yard, through the small openings around gates.and sometimes the dogs kill them. I feel comfortable letting the dogs out alone but I monitor them. I like ve in a suburban area with large properties and we have coyotes, deer etc. on a regular basis.
Enjoy your beautiful new home. I have the majority of my yard fenced, the exception being the yard right in front of my house. I fenced originally to keep deer out and that has been successful. The fencing is heavy duty vinyl mesh that is around five feet tall with cables above it to about seven feet. I have let shrubs and vines screen the fence and in many places the fence is invisible.. Then I got the doodles and they don't get out unless a gate or door is left open. The bottom of the fence is a wire covered mesh since woodchucks did chew through. Small creatures, rabbits etc can and do come in the yard, through the small openings around gates.and sometimes the dogs kill them. I feel comfortable letting the dogs out alone but I monitor them. I like ve in a suburban area with large properties and we have coyotes, deer etc. on a regular basis.

I love the new property Jenn, wow, what an adventure for you guys. If your doodles like to dig randomly for fun as opposed to digging to get out, perhaps you could set up a digging area for them such as a sandy area or something. I know some people do this and teach their doodles to dig there by hiding toys or items of doodle desire for them to dig out. That way you could train them to dig in a safe way. 

I can only imagine how excited you are to move to your new property. I would think a 5 ft chain link would suffice, and make the smaller area enclosed. Happy holidays and send photos of your boys in their new yard.  Good luck to you and your family.



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