Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey guys, forgive me as I'm quite new to this site.  This topic probably has already been discussed, but I'm wondering what the preferred brand of toothpaste is for all of you doodles??  My mom is having trouble using the "finger-brush" method and is looking for another way to brush my teeth.

Please get back to us!  We would sure appreciate it!  :)



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I use a poultry flavored toothpaste that I get from They have several brands. I've tried a couple of them and can't tell any difference. My guys seem to like the flavor of all of them - just hate the process of having their teeth brushed - but they finally have settled down and don't fight it anymore.

I use two things for cleaning teeth and breath. The Virbac C.E.T enzymatic toothpaste with a doggie toothbrush. It's a gel that just needs to get spread onto the teeth, and I don't scrub with the brush too much, just to spread around. I also use a water additive, TropiClean fresh breath, that they have with their first bowl of water in the morning. That's my only way to know I am at least doing something, in case I don't get to brushing their teeth often enough. I also have taught mine to tolerate my scraping the plaque off their canine teeth if it builds up. I have a dental tool for that. It comes off very easily in pretty good size chunks so it's quick. I do that maybe 1 - 2 times a year. 

I hope to never have to have their teeth professionally cleaned so I may go a little above and beyond, but that's me and I don't want them put under for the procedure, nor can I pay for two dogs teeth cleaning. It's very expensive here. 

Hope that helps. I get all products from just added to my food delivery.

One tip that my vet gave me was to focus on the outer surfaces of the teeth and not worry too much about the inner surfaces, which are the hardest to get to. He said that because the inner surfaces are bathed in saliva constantly (from those big tongues, lol), they usually don't develop the same kind of plaque build-up and don't need much attention. Not having to get to those inner surfaces makes the whole process easier. 

Wow! Great advice, guys. I will definitely give this all a shot. Thank you!!!



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