Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Winnie came home from the breeder with a very dirty vulva. We bathed and clipped that area as best as we could and then took her to the vet. She definitely had vaginitis and even a urinary tract infection. When I informed the breeder of this, all I got in return is "that is common". No other response. 

I have always adopted/rescued our dogs, so when we decided we were going to purchase a puppy, I made sure to do so much research on reputable breeders that my head was spinning when I was done. Everything seemed so up front and the breeder was very nice. We picked Winnie up from her home and their place was clean and odor-free. 

But I did notice that the entire transaction the day of was so business-like that it felt cold and impersonal. Once we got Winnie home, I had questions and when I spoke to the breeder over the phone, she was defensive and instead of helping me to understand the breed, I was spoken to like I was a complete idiot. I have worked as a veterinary technician for 20+ years and understand animal health. But I am still learning about this little puppy and after hearing nothing about how well-bred these puppies were, I figured that our breeder would be the best source for information.

I guess I was wrong. So, my question for other doodle owners that have purchased from a breeder is a urinary tract infection really THAT common in puppies? I didn't think so as the thousands of new puppies I have had contact with over my career did not all have a UTI. I know that with large litters it is hard to keep everyone clean, but wouldn't you want your puppy to go home to the new owner NOT filthy?

Should Winnie have had her dew claws removed? I wasn't sure if that is the standard in goldendoodles (or any other doodle)? We could have it done when she is spayed, but then it becomes a more involved surgery that has a longer and more painful recovery, where if done right at birth, it is a simple procedure.

Also, has anyone else had experience with a breeder that basically washes their hands of the buyer after the purchase has taken place?

In the end, none of this matters as Winnie is with us and is getting healthy with her antibiotics and being kept super clean. She is a loving and intelligent dog. I am just so frustrated and sad that it seems like these people do not care where their dogs go. I feel foolish for purchasing from them as I thought I had done my research. They had all the proper licensing, a clean facility, a great website, were easy to talk to prior to the sale, and even have a wonderful social media presence with great reviews.

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I am so sorry you had this experience.  I am new to puppies and to doodles, and had a great experience with my breeder so I won't be able to offer much in the way of answers, but I just want to offer my sympathies.

Like you, I did tons of research, and went with my breeder over a different one because she was very available, informative and supportive.  Able to answer all of my questions, and we have remained in contact post puppy pick up.  I don't know what would do if I got a less than caring attitude from her.  Perhaps your breeder's cold demeanor was a defense for covering up the fact that your poor pup wasnt very clean, and she wasn't doing her job?  Man, that makes me so angry.  We research and research, talk with breeders, and end up putting our trust (and money) into one to care for our new family member, and the least they can do is to be responsible with the puppy's health.   At the very least, be transparent about a puppy's condition upon pick up.

If I were you I would leave an honest review about your experience on a site that allows it to inform other potential clients.  No one should have to deal with curt, unprofessional conduct.  

Glad to hear your little is getting better

Also, as far as dew claws, Twyla has hers :) 

wow, that is too bad for your poor baby.  I do not have any experience with UTI, but I know our breeder gave Lincoln a bath  the night before we picked him up.  We had gone to see him and he was alitle dirty, but it was a rainy day and she had them outside for play etc with the whole litter.  she also removes the dew claws when they are only a few days old.  I know there is some controversy over that ,but I think it is a good idea.  I follow our breeder on facebook and she even send emails and cards for the holidays with a pic of all of her dogs.

Hope Winnie is doing better and enjoy her!     

I am also so sad to hear about your experience with your breeder.  We had,and continue to have, a great experience with Hurley's breeder and Hurley is now 4 years old.  Please don't judge all breeders by this one experience.   Like you, I did masses of research, it got down to  a caring breeder and personal experience of others that had bought from her.  

I agree, with REG.  At least you can forewarn others about your experience with that breeder through your review of what you like and do not like about your experience.

Wow, that definitely is not normal. My experience with our breeder was wonderful. She kept us with updated photos every week, answered all my questions about products, parent health and weight, Moose's weight as he grew and food he ate. His dew claws were not removed, nor was he neutered. But I would not worry about it too much, I would just look into maybe reporting her, I would be worried she would do it to someone else!

My breeder was a vet and she was supportive. My pup was clean, but her dew claws were not removed.

That said, I know puppy vaginitis is very common. About two weeks after Addie came home, she had a case of it. My vet (not the breeder) told me that it is very common in puppies, and Addie did have another bout of it later. But not a UTI in either case. My pup seemed to be prone to it, so I ended up cleaning her vaginal area every day or two with a warm washcloth. It is also one of the reasons my vet and I decided to wait longer than she typically did to do Addie's spay.

I am sorry you had a bad experience but happy to hear Winnie is doing well now. I would have expected your pup to have been bathed.  Was it apparent that she had a UTI or was it something your vet picked up on?

Sorry this experience was not that great for you with the breeder.
My pups had their dew claws removed by the breeder. I know some do
and some don't. I personally wanted it done. I'm not sure whether it's worthwhile to
do it now or not due to the post surgery recovery. I'd listen to your vet's recommendations.

I wonder if your breeder had a microchip placed in Winnie. That is the other thing our breeder
did that I was happy for. I know they can also be done at the same time as the spay is done.
I'd recommend that if not already done personally.

I'm sorry you had this experience - sadly, just from reading so much in this forum over the years, I think this behavior is more common than we'd hope with some breeders.  I don't know anything about your breeder so I won't comment, other than to say it's certainly not "normal" behavior.  So disappointing when you've researched and feel confident with your decisions, and then a person behaves like this.  My breeder is extremely supportive, before and after the puppies go home - I got both my doodle girls from her, and I know she would help to this day if I reached out.  They spent a ridiculously long time with me when I picked up my puppies (esp with the first one, sharing tons of good advice for puppy-rearing, and then spent time talking and letting my older doodle meet the new puppy when we picked up the 2nd), which was reassuring.  I also contacted her with questions after they were home, and she was helpful and interested in how they were doing.  Puppies were always kept clean, were cleaned/bathed if they got dirty from trips outside to potty or play, had too-fluffy hiney hair trimmed (for hygiene, as needed) and nails trimmed too.

My two have their dew claws - they use them to hold antlers/toys, kind of like thumbs, lol.  I've seen previous discussions on this topic, which you can find using the search box if you're interested.  My younger doodle did have UTIs when she was a puppy (starting at about 6 mos), but my vet said hers were likely from the slightly recessed anatomy she has - and you would've noticed that with your experience. 

I'm so glad that Winnie is doing better now!

As for the puppy vaginitis, it is normal for females to have it even when you take them home from the breeders - even from clean breeders. Yes, vaginitis can turn into a uti. The problem is is that their urine can splash back up on them since they are so close to the ground. When it does this the bacteria can re-enter the urethra infecting the urinary tract. Just as you and I can get a uti, so can puppies. There is a lot of info on the Internet regarding puppy vaginitis and uti.
My pup came with vaginitis. I've researched it and really there is not much you can do for it except to clean her area after she piddles - especially right before bed. Fortunately, my pup has not gotten a uti yet. But, it could happen. Some vets prescribe antibiotics for the vaginitis, but it will only help if they get a uti.
As for the breeder, I'm not seeing how she is washing her hands of you. From what you said, she answered your question. Sometimes we infer what we want from text or emails.
I would talk to your vet about the dew claws. Some people leave them, some people have them removed due to the possibility of them tearing.
This refers to both juvenile and adult onset vaginitis -

This one is a more basic article that says the same as the above only its concise.

I am sorry you are having the experience.  From various discussions on this site, you are not alone.  Since your puppy came home with a UTI and I would think the breeder would be considerate and at least offer to pay your vet fees.  You are probably not the only one asking her questions. 

We had a very good experience with our breeder - so much so we bought another from her 2 years later!  Both of our puppies had been bathed the morning of the day we picked them up - looked so fluffy and cute!  We were given a two year health guarantee with each of our puppies.  It was mandatory we take the puppy to the vet for a wellness check within the first week of having the puppy home.  We then signed the health guarantee and sent it along with evidence of our first vet visit back to our breeder.  Both of our doodles do have their dew claws.

Glad to hear Winnie is feeling better - she is sure a cutie!  

No to dew claw removal.



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