Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Is there anything safe to use to help train fur by eyes over nose to lay flat as it grows rather then cutting or clipping it? So eventually it will all be long length going down with moustache? Not sure I'm explaining what I'm trying to do but if so any tips or suggestions would be appreciated

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I don't know that you can "train" hair to grow in a different direction. If you could, millions of men with stand-up cowlicks and women with widow's peaks would have done so by now!

I'm afraid Trudy is right. In fact it's just the opposite-doodle hair trains you-to cut, clip, get the idea! :)

Are you talking about the hair on the top of the snout? So it would end up with a part running from her nose toward the area between her eyes, with the hair hanging downward on each side like her stache?  If so, it would probably depend on her coat type. Tara's hair will do this but she has a wavy fleece coat. I don't think you could with wool and curly fleece though.

Find yourself some small nose scissors (for men's hair) with the blunt edges. Cover your dog's eye with your hand and start snipping away. That's the only way to "train" those hairs. They won't lay down on their own.

Not gonna happen.  You will have to trim.

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Here are 2 pics the first one is the hair in question and the second is what I did with scizzors which is what I wanted to get laying flat



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