Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This cartoon series is amusing.  Add your own examples of what life was like for you before and after you got your doodle.  (cartooning not necessary)!

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Love the cartoon series and can relate.  I have had dogs from the time I was a little girl and I do not recall having placemats, bowls, etc with names on them for our children or other dogs we have had in our lives.  My friends tease me saying they "after they die, they want to come back as one of my doodles"! I too chalk it up to being an empty-nester

Oh Linda this is priceless! Awesome.


Thanks. BG & DJ

Linda - I love it. There is no way that I could have such a nice dining area for my hooligans because they would take everything outside and play tug-of-war with the rugs and placemats. I'm jealous. :)

Joyce ~ you made me laugh! I love it.  

Interesting to hear from those of you who have had other dogs but feel you spoil your doodles more. Our doodles are our first dogs ever. Even as children, neither of our parents had allowed dogs. So I have no comparison.

I do know they have changed me/us. I am much more tolerant of dirt and messes than I was raising my children. Kind of regret that now. I am also totally changed in my thinking of what a dog is.  I never understood why anyone would want a wild, dirty,slobbering animal living IN the house. And the thought of them being IN a person's bed never even occurred to me.  

That would be the biggest change but there are many more, all good.  I loved the cartoons too.

It is amazing how our dogs teach us to "let go" and relax with respect to things like dirt and messes.

Yes, DJ, I wasn't expecting that among other side effects of having a dog.

So true.
So true, ESPECIALLY the camera roll as the mess in my house :P

Loved the cartoons and OMD you folks are hysterical!  Had me laughing through all the replies.  Personally though, I just cannot believe how obsessed you all are...having so many toys, pictures, bragging rights for what is actually an ANIMAL...sleeping with an Animal!   What is this world coming to?  Uh oh,...I gotta go, Skadi and Elli need to be tucked in, faces washed, and have their nite nite's their bedtime and if I don't get to bed with them there will be hell to pay. ;)



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