Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Lloyd is turning 1 this month and I think it's time for a trim. He has more of a Golden look with a loose wavy coat that sheds and feathering on his legs and tail. He has a beard, eyebrows and some facial furnishings. 

I'm thinking of a cut at this time because he's developed some matts behind the ears and his coat is getting so long that the individual hairs are weaving into our clothes, furniture, carpets, etc. I'm not quite sure what to ask for at the groomers. I'm thinking about a 1.5" trim all the way around and a trim of the eyebrows beard, and "mustache" coming down the side of his muzzle? I'd like him to look as doodley as possible but now he sometimes looks more "droopy" than doodley (if that makes any sense). 

I've never owned a dog that needed to be cut before... so any advice on what kind of look Lloyd can get, tips, suggestions (bonus points with pictures) would be greatly appreciated!


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Your Lloyd looks more golden retriever body wise.  I had a golden retriever : Red and now have our golden doodle Taps . I always clipped a lot of my dogs over the years ( prior of which I had cocker spaniels). Truthfully, looking at his coat, I think He is very managable. If you have never had a dog to clip before I would suggest investing in this DVD  ( I am not a sales rep , nor do I live anywhere near smagdog so this is not a promo).  It really is a great simple guide to condense grooming tips.  You can go research and spend a lot of time, but this does it all from ears, sanitary, to body, nails and extra tips. Having that said, I had a great variety of grooming brushes over the years. Never had a dog so sensitive as my little Taps so I sprung and got the les pooch brush...totally worth ever penny ( even though I flinched ;)  The brush you can find in the doodle country story. Attaching a photo of Taps after his first grooming...AND get yourself a table , does not have to be a grooming table, just non skid mat at least. A grooming arm, not too costly. The table and arm make it so much easier for your back and your dog!  The grooming  video is posted elsewhere for a lot more, so go through I really do believe it to be well worth the $14.99 through this link

How about just brushing? I wouldn't cut this kind of coat.

Just curious why you would not cut this kind of coat? Brushing isn't really the issue, it's that the hairs are so long now that they weave into our clothes, etc. that a roller can't get them off.

I guess to me this isn't long at all. I keep mine much longer.

But, Helga, yours have  much different coats which I'll bet are non-shedding.  I think this pup's coat is more like CeCe, our foster.  CeCe's current coat is not in good shape because of  poor diet and lack of brushing, but Lloyd has more of the scruffy look CeCe has.   CeCe as a puppy: Then as a young adult:

OOPs - last one is her now at age 5.

Yes, their coats look similar. Although I love how it flows in the wind, I think a trimmed coat will be nice. Will post pictures and hope it won't be a disaster. 

Actually, we LOVE Goldens, we've had several.  Tess (1.5 yrs old) is our idea of 'downsizing'.  Your dog looks great!!  At the risk of getting a bit more 'undoodly' looking, we did this cut on Tess.


And here's Lloyd with his new haircut. I like it!

Hi there!

I was browsing DK, trying to figure out the best way to get Lucy groomed and found your discussion! Lloyd looks so similar to Lucy (although she's only 5 months right now). I was wondering when you first took him to get groomed? We are hoping to get her groomed soon after she turns 6 months because she is already starting to get a bit unruly around her face. Also, for this specific cut, what did you tell the groomer? We are interested in something like this for the summer.

Lloyd is so handsome and we look forward to hearing from you!


Lucy is so cute! And yes, she does look similar to Lloyd.

I brought Lloyd to the groomers when he turned 1 mainly b/c as my post explained, his long hairs were weaving into clothes and he was getting mats behind his ears. We went to Petco (all the people at our Petco are awesome) and just told her what I said in my post. She then brought out samples of the lengths (similar to paint finishes...but furry) and asked me which length I wanted. I picked the 2nd to shortest one and told her to  also trim his face and beard but to leave his tail. The groomer did her thing and voila!

Whatever happens, it grows out fast and I think it's a great time to experiment since summer is right around the corner. Also, if you're anything like me...when you've got long hair, you want to cut it...when your hair is short, you want to grow it out...Lol! Good luck! 

I knew I had seen Lloyd before somewhere :)

I was just looking around to see how we could get Lucy cut. Lloyd looks great with this haircut. If you don't mind, I think we might take his pictures to Lucy's groomer next time!



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