Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello!  Our family is finally officially happy to have welcomed Graycie (9 weeks old) into our family 3 days ago!

I'm off this week from work, but am trying to plan ahead and transition her this week to what her day will typically be like M-F when I go back to work.  So I leave the house at 7:30am and return at 3:45/4pm.  A Dog walker is scheduled to come mid-day (advice also as to what time you think is best for that)....

I'm looking for ideas on the best schedule for her while I'm away.  She has an ex pen and a crate set up...should I leave the crate open so she can walk around the ex pen (I also put an indoor toilet in there as well and so far she's been pottying indoors and outdoors fine).  She has yet to go to the indoor toilet independently without me bringing her yet.  It's mostly used during the middle of the night potty wake up times.

Here are my questions :)   :

At 10 weeks should I just crate her for about 4 hours until the walker comes? This is where I struggle between the open crate or not.  

Wondering if the Ian Dunbar method really works and she'll figure out indoor toilet if Im not there to reward her?  Anyone have any success with it?

Is a walk in the AM around the yard for 15 min or so sufficient activity before I put her in the pen or crate until mid-day?

I'm pretty structured, so a rough daily schedule would help me out so much!

Anyway, sorry so long!  Things are going great, but I've been home so I want to make sure next week is well-planned so she won't be stressed when I'm gone.

Thanks in advance!!!  happy to be a part of this community with a doodle of our own finally!

Views: 447

Replies to This Discussion

I will wait for others to chime in with more current thinking, but I think 4 hours is going to be too long of a time between potty breaks. While you are off this week, pay strict attention to what you are doing now as to timing.  She will definitely need to go out about 15 - 30 minutes after eating and, she needs a lunch so right there is a problem - who will feed her and stay long enough for her to potty. 

thanks for your feedback! I've definitely been logging her daily doings since she's joined us...and perhaps I can ask the dog walker to come 2x at least until she's able to hold it a little longer?
if anyone has had luck with the ex-pen and crate with open door to have access to indoor toilet, i'd love to hear.

thanks again!

Hi, Congrats on your puppy!!! First, this will be a big transition for your puppy so you may need to offer her two "walks" pee breaks during your 8 hours away. If I may, I think asking a 10 week old to hold herself for 2-3 hours at most is the best way to work on toilet training. If you could get a dog walker, neighbor or someone else come in around 9:30-10:00 and then 1-1:30pm would be the best at this young age. I think the crate would work best with the two mid day walks/pee breaks. I realize that this may be costly but it will only be for about 2-3 months and then she will be used to staying in her crate for 4-5 hours....Rule of thumb is age in months + 1 for the number of hours they can hold themselves....Hopefully, you can work out a schedule that works for you and your pup....Best of Luck and let us know how it goes....:)

thanks sue!  I'm going to call the dog walker now and see if this can work in her schedule!  So glad you mentioned needing the 1st early walk in addition to the mid-day will only be about 2-3 months ...then I'm home in the summer because I'm a teacher and will be able to spend more time with her.  By September, she should be better with the 1 visit from dogwalker hopefully :) 

Hi Gigi,

My Lexee held herself for max 2.5 hours at that age...I would crate her for 2-3 hrs max and she would always hold herself. I think your best bet is to stick to the crate with a dog walker coming in 2-3 times for the 8 hours you are away. I hired a dog walker from September until December bc of work and it worked well. We now at 1 yr of age can leave her for up to 6 hours and she is great. I would definitely invest in a good dog walker who will make sure she runs around a bit, eats well, does her business and then ready for another 2-3 hours tired in her crate. I think if you had the dog walker come for 35-45 minutes 2 X per day that would be ideal until you are off for the summer. Consistency is key at this age so the more routines are in place the better. I would also not leave her the pen and crate...just the crate with enough room to move around a little but not much - puppies don't usually soil where they sleep....Gradually increase the space in the crate as she grows.
Also...make sure that the dog walker can visit her this week so that she is use to her by the time she comes into your house alone.

Congratulations on Graycie. My best advice would be not to do an indoor potty at all. I think every attempt to get Graycie to go outside should be your goal. In the beginning, it seems like all you are doing is taking your dog out to do her business, but eventually it gets better and they hold it longer and longer. As for the nighttime...again I know it is hard, but if she whines, I would take her outside and without much fuss then return her to her crate. I hope others chime in, but I think allowing her that much space in the beginning...crate and pen...sends mixed messages that she is allowed to potty indoors. That can be a very hard habit to break once they get older. If it were me, I would give some good exercise before you leave in the am, make sure she does her business, and then have the dog walker come to the house at 10:30 and 1:30. I always left a TV on for noise and a Kong with peanut butter (or something equally good) as enticement to like their crates. Good luck. Like Nancy, I was also wondering how you are doing the eating and drinking?

Thanks!  Yes, as I'm getting to know Graycie my momma's instinct is telling me that I will need to ask the dog walker to come 2x/day...and knowing that schedule won't last forever is good to know and makes it worth the financial sacrifice.  At least she won't be stressed.

I feed her in the AM around 6:30/6:45am and another walk b4 I will leave for work.  I will ask the dog walker to also feed her mid-day at 1pm and walk before she leaves.

Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions!  We are so in love with her already and just want to keep things going positively!

Didn't read all the responses so not sure if anyone put this here or not so I apologize if I'm repeating someone, but the rule of thumb is they can hold it for 1 hour for each month of age, plus one hour.  So a two month old puppy should be able to hold it a max of 3 hours.  

UPDATE: Thanks to all your responses, I was able to get  2nd slot for the dog walker to come and check in on Graycie! What a relief to know she will be ok while I'm at work.  Countdown to summer vacation is on...I just love being home with her!!

Thanks all!

Great. Gigi.



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