Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I didn't know what group to post this in since it could be food or medical related.
Annabelle has been on Orijen since I weaned her off the breeders food. She was on the puppy formula until she was 8 months old. She was not a big eater then, not by a long shot. Once I switched to the adult formula she gobbled it up. I switch off between the regular and the 6 Fish. She loves both. No problem with her appetite. I think she would eat all day if I let her. Well now she is not eating any of her food. I first noticed with the yogurt and blueberries the other day. She turned her nose up and wouldn't eat it. She absolutely loves her yogurt and berries. That is so not like her to not chow it down. I did think it was odd, but wasn't worried. Yesterday morning I gave her Orijen for breakfast in the same bowl and spot I always do and she turned her nose up and wouldn't eat. She did eat dinner, not with her usual enthusiasm, but she did eat it all. My husband went against my wishes and gave her some plain chicken afterwards while we were eating dinner, which she did gobble up. Then this morning she won't eat the Orijen again. I don't know if it is:
1) Boredom with her food and I should try a different formula. I was trying to stay away from red meat formula, but maybe that is not a good thing.
2) My husband has created a monster by feeding her table food on occasion, ok maybe more than on occasion. That she has now become picky.
3) She is sick. She does act normal and her poop is normal. It is just her not eating that has me worried, because it is so not like her not to eat.

I told my husband not to feed her anymore table food, to which he has agreed. I am not giving her access to food again until her dinner tonight.

So what are your thoughts on this. Bored, Picky Monster or Sick? I will call her vet tomorrow, especially if she turns her nose up and dinner and tomorrows breakfast. Thanks

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I think that's a good idea. Please keep us posted. 

If I were you, I'd ask for an x-ray just to be safe. 

I agree - it sort of sounds like he might have a blockage.  Hoping he's just turned into a fussy eater!

Sorry to hear this. Please keep us posted.  

Hoping you get this sorted out today.

I'm super glad that you are taking your precious baby to the vets.   Our doods can certainly be picky every so often, however, if it has become chronic, the vet could check to determine if something else is occurring. Sometimes when our beloved doods are not feeling well, loss of appetite is the first indicator that medical attention may be needed to determine the source of appetite loss. Please keep us posted, as we all worry about everybody's precious doodles.

So she has anal gland inflammation. As soon as I brought her in he could smell it. She never scooted, but she was licking her bottom more than usual. He expressed them and put her on some antibiotics. I always thought this was caused by a crappy diet or being overweight and neither apply to Annabelle. Although I am going to have another talk with my husband. Who knows what he really gives her when I go run errands and she is left in his care. Glad I have plenty of Proviable DC on hand. My vet has the Fortiflora. He was a bit taken aback that I declined it. Glad it wasn't something more serious. She finally pooped, so that was good. She pooped out a rather large raw whole baby carrot. It  had a little bit of blood on it. Husband thought he may have given her raw carrots on Friday night, but none since then. Not sure if they are related or not. That would have been after declining the yogurt and berries on Thursday.

I'm glad you know what may have been bothering her.....hopefully she'll be better soon.  I think you're going to have to have a "talk" with your husband...LOL. 

And when you have that talk, please tell your husband that dogs cannot digest raw carrots. 

Hope the antibiotics clear things up and Annabelle's appetite is soon back to normal. 

Thank goodness she will be okay.

Interesting that an Anal Gland Inflammation would put her off her food. They are so smart to know that they don't want to eat to make themselves poop. Glad she's on the road to recovery, and you are right, the Proviable DC is much better than the Fortiflora, as Karen has taught us many times.  You are a very educated dog advocate!

I think between the carrot she couldn't pass and the anal gland inflammation, they were both together making her lose her appetite. She didn't want her dog food tonight. Though I think she would eat our pulled pork sandwiches if we offered them to her. She has been hanging around the kitchen hoping for something to fall on the floor.



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