Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We brought home Doodle #2 today! 

Little Zuzu (formal name Zuzu's Flower-bonus points if you get the movie reference) joins big brother Rooney who is 4 years old.

So far they are doing very well together but we are keeping everything very supervised and calm. Rooney has been quite gentle and restrained but occasionally shows signs of really wanting to PLAY with her and she's just too tiny still for that (he's a moose). But he's being very patient and she is accepting his gentle corrections well.

So crazy to be starting the whole puppy thing all over again!! Aaack! But wonderful too!

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Fingers crossed since we are only 24 hours in but Zuzu seems very easy so far and I definitely think Rooney's presence is helping. If nothing else he helps tire her out in a different way than we can. The play is going very well and will only get easier as she gets bigger. It's just the size differential that's tricky right now and Rooney has never really understood he is a BIG dog (he always prefers little dogs). His 65 lbs to her 7 lbs is a big difference and a couple of times he has overwhelmed her a bit. But she also does the right thing by yelping and he backs right off. She's also learned to go under a stool or chair and he's too big to get to her! It's pretty funny! She never really looks scared, she's just being clever! :)

That under the chair trick brought back a memory.  When we brought Lucy and Sophie home (they were liter mates) at 6 weeks (yes we made all the mistakes the first time around) Lucy was 5 lbs and Sophie was just 2.5.  They loved running around and around the kitchen table going underneath all the rungs on the chairs.  They would go under everything in the house.  Eventually Lucy got a little too big to fit but Sophie could still fit ... used to make Lucy so mad when Sophie would go under things she couldn't.

OMD you got Rooney a mini-me! Congrats!

Zuzu is a doll! Congratulations on your 2nd doodle!

Zuzu is gorgeous! Congratulations!

Oh how very cute!  We just adopted a re-home at 8 months.  I just was not ready for the potty commitment and Frankie kind of fell in our laps anyway.  But seeing this little cutie makes me yearn for puppy breathe!  Enjoy!  

I couldn't believe it when the puppy bug bit me again! I always thought if we got a second it would be one beyond puppyhood. But something got into me...and here we are. It's impossible not to fall in love... :)

I have had puppy fever for several months now. It may never go away. But we have decided that Annabelle is going to be an only dog.

OMD....what a cutie patootie!!!!    Congrats!

ZuZu is absolutely adorable!  Congratulations. 

Great pictures.  love the one of your daughter and the puppy.  Puppies are so fun! 

Wow, lucky you! So cute!



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