Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

W have been searching for something "chewable" for Toby that is SAFE. He needs something to help occupy his time for short periods at a time, he is always supervised, never left  unattended with anything. He can't have antlers or bully sticks. We have tried the himalyan chews, but can't have those, either. We have had 2 pet stores highly recommend these wood chews. Both stores told us these are completely safe, safer than nylabones, which we also don't give Toby. They said as they chew on them and get wet they get softer and can not splinter. Hmmm, I don't know if this is a good idea to use these. We have been freezing kongs with plain yogurt and banana mixed in. He loves that, but is getting bored with it. Since his surgery he is bored out of his mind and we need something for him to chew on. He is a super power chewer so we don't want anything he can break a tooth on or swallow pieces.  We also have the green everlasting ball which we put pieces of treats in but he is also becoming bored with that. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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There is a non-edible Nylabone that is completely safe; so safe, in fact, that it is the only chew that Jack's internal medicine specialist will recommend, and he has Inflammatory Bowel Disease. But you have to make sure you only buy this one: 

So no peanut butter, only the non flavored one?

If Annabelle has no food sensitivities, you can use the peanut butter flavored one. Jack can't have that because of his IBD. The plain unflavored one causes no digestive reactions, and Jane's Murphy, who also has IBD and can barely tolerate anything. does fine with it as well. 

Normally she doesn't, but some of the edible chews give her diarrhea. I gave her one reccommended from the store where I get her Orijen and it gave her gray diarrhea. Luckily she was back to normal the next day.

Next time I am out I will pick up this Dura Chew and try it.... something has to work for him because he really does need to chew on something...thanks!

Hi Karen.     The Dura Chew doesn't "splinter" like the Nyla Bone?     I'm going out tonite to pick this up if so!

Absolutely cannot splinter. See my response below. All they can get off of it are "crumbles" the size of a grain of rice. 

We have tried the Dura Chews because it does say for "powerful" chewers, we bought the biggest one's we could get,  in less than a week it had to be thrown away, he had it worn right down to where he could bite pieces off...I am not sure if it was this exact one, but I will definitely give this one another try and keep a close eye on him with it.

Let me start by saying that Jack in his younger days could chew through anything out there. A more powerful chewer I've never met, and I used to foster German Shepherds. :)

If he were to break off a piece of the Nylabone, it would be life-threatening for him, because of the IBD. If you aren't familiar with it, it's an immune-mediated incurable disease which if you're lucky, can be managed with drugs and diet, for life. It's much much more serious than a sensitive stomach. After his diagnosis, he was going crazy without something to chew on. Previously, he had marrow bones, beef tendons, etc and he chewed them every night. His IMS told me the DuraChew was the only thing he could have that was safe because the only thing they can break off are bits the size of grains of rice, which are hypoallergenic and pass right through the GI tract with no problem. He has also worn them down to the point where I threw them away because they were simply too small, but never was he able to get anything bigger than a grain of rice off of this bone. Of course, you should always supervise. 

I am definitely going to try this Dura Chew, I will make sure to get the one you recommend, I am anxious to see how he does with it....he is always supervised so I will be able to monitor him with this... :-)

Following this thread with interest. Our Beckett is on an elimination diet for possible allergies so no more bully sticks. And only thing we can stuff King with is canned food of the formula we are feeding. I've wondered about these chews, too. What about Benebone? We have one of those and he chews it almost daily.

We did look at the Benebone, they told us if he is a power chewer and bites down on stuff, rather than "knaws" on it, it was not a good idea. They said the "wood chews' would be better because they "soften as they chew".  That is a problem with the chews for us....he doesn't like to knaw on them, he just likes to bite on them until they break....he already has 1 broken tooth, and I don't want to risk this happening again... I have been in several different pet stores, for months,  trying to find the right chew toy for him...he is not a patient chewer, when he chews he is out to destroy it as quickly as possible...  ((sigh))



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