Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Ruler of the Amazon
We will be offering prizes for your online purchases through our Amazon link: As you know, we get commissions when you purchase through our link. This helps keep the DK ship afloat and allows us to give back to doodle and dog rescue. :-)
We will be giving away two prizes: One for the most interesting item purchased and one random drawing for any item by any purchaser.
To enter, just post in this thread any of the following: a picture of your purchase screen on Amazon, a description of your purchase, a screenshot of your purchase, or even just a statement of “I bought random stuff on Amazon using the Doodle Kisses link!”. We’ll take your word for it and enter you in the random drawing. Each order will count for one entry. Post a response here as you place your orders. Any Amazon order made in MAY 2016 will count!
Let the May Ruling of the Amazon begin!
TL;DR: 1. Go to Amazon through the DK link. 2. Buy stuff. 3. Post that stuff here in this discussion. 4. Win!
Purchased May 1. My husband was trying to help me clean up where the puppies chewed up a roll of paper towels along with a few other things and caught our vacuum on fire. He cleaned alright, he vacuumed EVERYTHING up and yes we have a Shop Vac he could have used but didn't. Ugh! LOL! Long story short.. had to buy a new vacuum and I love this vacuum! Just like the one he burnt up & Amazon had it for half the price as anywhere else. :)
2 out of 3 purchases for DoodleBelle of course.
Here is my purchase!
Just purchased today this as well:
An email confirmation has been sent to you.
An email confirmation has been sent to you.
Total Before Tax: $11.97
Estimated Tax: $0.84
Order Total: $12.81
Total Before Tax: $11.97
Estimated Tax: $0.84
Order Total: $12.81
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