Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I had my labradoodle trimmed short ( not shaved ) about 4 weeks ago and now he needs another trim. He is very hot natured. My friend says some dogs need to keep their hair because it actually cools them down and when it is short they over heat faster. What do you experienced doodle owners do?

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I will be curious on other doodle owner's thoughts. Teddy is super hot natured too- I've heard that keeping the hair longer provides good insulation from heat/cold, but I'm thinking of going way shorter (not shaved) than usual just because he gets so tangled after swimming, etc.

Somewhat shorter makes sense for swimming doodles but the coat does provide insulation, I think and protects from sunburn.

The coat does provide insulation; I've never cut my guy's coat at all, but he has the kind of straight coat that sheds and doesn't matt. However, prior to Jack, I had purebred poodles all my life and their coats were never shorter in summer than they were in winter. Cutting a dog's coat short or shaving it absolutely doesn't keep them any cooler, and if you go too short it can actually make them hotter. Cutting the coats for easier maintenance for summer activities (swimming, etc) is a separate issue. 

He doesn't shed at all. He does love the water but not long enough to mat or tangle.

Yes, I too have heard that the hair is insulating, but I prefer both of mine to have shorter body hair and long heads, ears & tails.  In the summer they play in the pool and it is so much easier to manage.  Charlie's coat takes quite some time to dry because it is so thick.

I keep mine pretty much the same all year long. If I had a doodle that swam a lot and hiked in the woods a lot, I would keep it shorter, just for easy care, but not for temperature.

In the summer, I prefer my dogs to go shorter. They are in and out of the water and it is just easier for me. 

Four weeks seems like too soon to need another trim, but that's just me :-) 

I think it depends on the individual dog, your climate and the type of coat.  I have a dog who never seems to get hot (he snuck out for an unsanctioned summer run one day and showed signs of heat stroke when he returned), and another who seems prone to overheating (he snuck out for an unsanctioned summer run one day and showed signs of heat stroke when he returned).  My third dog gets hot because she loves to play fetch :-)  My "hot" dog has a coarse, curly coat, my "cool" dog has fine curls.  My "hot" dog only started acting "hot" once he turned 5, so?? 

I trim mine to 3/4 inch every 3-4 months during spring/summer.  This helps with the dirt they bring into the house and also lets me see/feel any ticks or fleas.  I'm not

I have a very curly, thick haired doodle who runs warm and has a tendency to mat even when brushed daily.  She goes to the groomer every three weeks and I keep her body trimmed to 1/2" and head to about 3/4" year round.  This works well for my girl.



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