Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Abby is basicly a very good dog.But when visitors come over,like today she is out of control !!!!
As I mentioned before, she pees a few times, and today she even had two accidents,which she didn't have for month.
She is just so excited, that I don't find it even cute.It's exhausting,and caotic,like having a huge children birthday party all day.I can't have a normal converstaion, because she is out of her mind crazy.
Of course it never helps,when the people who come over are feeding to her excitment.Even when explaining not to do that.
Then she is a barker.She barks at every shadow and movements.I try to train her for that with treats,
when she is quiet,but she loooves to bark.Any ideas???
She is listening very good overall and she is great.Is just like having a newborn,right.Very hard in the beginning.
Is the excitment ever going to settle down???

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Macey randomly started with this barking thing, too. I asked at her basic obedience class and they highly recommended using a water bottle. Just give her a squirt any time she barks. Macey will get quiet immediately when we pull the bottle out, but they said you must still squirt her so she knows that this is what happens when she barks. After she is quiet, praise her verbally and with treats for being quiet. Hope this helps!
Oh Marion, I feel for you. If you read some of my past posts you will see that I was near to distraction with my puppy Toby. They DO settle down. First off - if you have a crate, let her know she needs to settle down, and if she won't, put her in the crate. Secondly, something I learned at Puppy School was to use a house lead. Basically, get a cheap leash at the dollar store, and cut the loop off. Clip the leash on her so it trails behind her around the house. That way if you need to get control of a situation you can easily get the puppy. Also, if she's jumping, you can hold the lead in your hand, or under your foot, and the jumping can't happen. You cut the loop off so it can't catch on things. Lastly, if you can, take the puppy to some sort of puppy kindergarten classes. Those saved my sanity!! Good luck.
well i have to agree w Sandy..if u let her "pull a lead" around the house its easy and very quick to correct the behavior that is not wanted. Another way u can get her to calm down around when people come over is to have everyone pay not attention to her what so ever. its hard cause shes a puppy and everyone wants to play w a puppy. after about 5 min of silent treatment she calm down then reward w a treat when she has.
I agree with what has been already said by the people above. I would only add that until she has had more training, perhaps you should keep her in a crate when you have visitors---unless you can talk the visitors into helping you train her for a little bit. Also if you can put up a baby gate or an exercise pen so that your puppy can be nearby but not in the way, that might be a way to allow her to see what's going on without allowing her to practice bad behavior.
Hi, I am a professional trainer with four different certifications. I have not followed this thread am just responding to this one post. :)

your pup may have submissive urination. this means that when people make eye contact, bend over her or greet her she becomes afraid and pees. it is very important to not scold a pup for this behavior.

i strongly urge you to find a good trainer in your area. if you tell me where you live I will find one for you.

also read Control Unleashed by Leslie McDevitt sells it. your pup needs to learn to relax and be calm asap. that can be taught and is so much fun. wish I could help you. :)

later, ange
I agree with a lot of the suggestions already posted. I would add that it helps us a lot to give Bumble a lot of outdoor running after a ball or whatever in the mornings. I especially try to fit that in if guests are coming over.

With the crate, it is great to use the crate as a location for settling down. The dog feels safe in there, she's in her own space. I would add though that it's good to be careful not to use the crate as a punishment. So if you're not using a crate yet, make sure you start it with totally positive associations. Put a treat in there to encourage her to try entering, never force her in there, pet her in there, all positive experiences in there. Soft bedding! Then, once puppy loves it in there, you will be able to pop her in there for calming down. Good luck.



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