Michele, since you don't yet have a puppy and I'm guessing you're trying to absorb all the info you can in advance...please search in the forum. There is a ton of good information there that you can learn from. Do you need help figuring out how to search in the forum? If so let us know and we can help you figure that out!
My experience with Holly runs counter to the behavior of any dog I have ever owned. Holly, who we got at 7 weeks, did not like the crate, during the night she would whimper and cry 2-3 times a night in order to go potty outside. Since she went potty quite often during the day (everytime she went out she would piddle twice and poop once - then often piddle between the frequent outings); I would wake up and let her out so she would not have an accident. It became a routine and Holly had me trained. We tried limiting her water intake in the evening but nothing stopped her needs to go potty outside several times each night.
Since we have tile floors in our bedroom, we decided to take a chance and let Holly sleep on a doggie bed outside the crate at about 3 months. She immediately began sleeping all night long without the need to get up (which we decided was just to get out of the crate).
Additionally, once Holly began sleeping on her bed in the bedroom (outside the crate) she has never wet in the house. The transformation was little short of miraculous. Our "Goldenpuddle", Holly, became a house trained dog over night with no subsequent accidents.
I certainly cannot recommend this to anyone else as a way of house training a Doodle. It was just a serendipitous happening that changed our relationship with our darling girl. She changed from a bit of a pain (which, knowing puppies, we expected) to a great house dog over-night.
Beckett was almost the same. We used the crate and it really helped him to get housebroken.He never had an accident after 3 months old. But at night when he was in the crate,(in our room) he never really liked it. First he was waking up in the middle of the night to go potty. Then as he got older, he would wake at 5:30 or 6:00 every morning. I kept waiting for him to sleep later but he didn't. Finally I started letting him sleep in our bedroom outside of the crate. He's been sleeping late ever since! Now he'll go up with me at 11 ish and sleep till 9 ish !!