Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Tara received a bag of Odor Free, thin, Bully Sticks from Best Bully Sticks yesterday and there were bugs in the bag with the sticks. I spoke with customer service today and they said the bugs "probably got there during transit". What??? I'm not sure if they meant the transit from the source to them or from them to me. I know I can't even get into the bag without scissors! Anyhow, they are sending a replacement bag which I will be examining closely before opening. They also asked for the Lot Number so they will be doing some in-house investigation as well apparently.
Just wanted to give you a heads up about it if you do business with Best Bully Sticks. I have purchased bullies from them for years with no issues so it's not a common problem and I will continue to use their service but right now there may be an issue. So take a peek!!
Actually it is Sancho and Lola, just checked.
Nancy, you might also want to check out beef tracheas. They're just as safe for the teeth and the digestive system as bullies, they're less expensive, and for us, they lasted longer. Here's a link to an old discussion I posted about them, it will give you an idea of what they're like if you're not familiar with them:
Thanks Karen I might give these a try too. I mean for Tara! LOL
That old link didn;t work, but here's the link to the Bravo website; they have them in bags, and you might be able to find them from chewy or some other online source:
Thanks Karen, I checked Chewy's and they have them too. I'll be placing an order with them soon for some other items and will get one for her to try. Keeping my fingers crossed though-this is the girl that won't touch marrow bones, Himalayan chews and various other chews I've tried over the years. She only wants the sticks. I'm beginning to wonder if they're addictive!!
Considering what those "sticks" really are, I'm a little bit afraid to comment on their being additive....ROFL!!!!
ROTFL indeed!!!
I have to see where they sell them:) Well, they are kinda gross, but A LOT less gross than a bully stick in my opinion:)
Thanks Karen...I will definitely give them a try!!! My Ivy loves to chew and she is only 25 lbs so a 7" thick bully stick lasts about 1.5 hours. Oliver 38 lbs is not real big on chewing, especially since he broke his tooth so he chews for a bit and then leaves it for Ivy to finish :)
Nancy, sorry about Oliver's tooth! Poor guy. Tara too broke one of her back molars on a bone and had to have it pulled. It was indeed an ordeal-I felt so bad for her. Luckily, her insurance covered most of the cost for us but I never want her to go through that again!
I agree this was just a case of S%#T happening as far as the bugs go. Worm in your salad! Ick!!!
I've been buying the odor free sticks which I don't think are from the U.S. because some of the non odor free sticks can smell SO bad. Do you find this to be the case with the U.S. sticks?
Well, I checked the BBS site and they have both U.S. and non U.S. odor free sticks. I just need to make sure I get the U.S. sticks which are about $20.00 more a bag -but safe!! :)
Thanks Ricki...Yes is was an ordeal for Oliver to have his tooth pulled. Between the pain pills and not being able to put anything in his mouth, he just was not himself for 2 weeks. The worst part is that he had no clue why!!!
I have only bought the odorless USA bully sticks and have not found them to smell while the dogs are chewing. I can smell them on my hands when take them from the bag. can find them cheaper on Amazon (with BBS being the distributor), but again, check to make sure they are odorless and made in the USA. Also get on BBS email list, they often have sales and discounts :)
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