Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We went to the local animal shelter and found our Eli. He's approximately 6-8 months old because he has his adult teeth and they are all pearly white with tiny yellow staining on the back. The vet thinks labradoodle. Some people have said schnoodle but I don't see schnauzer. He has curly hair but also a wavy/wiry feel along his body. He does shed a tiny tiny amount. I asked the vet if he would get any bigger but he said he doesn't know. Supposedly they can grow until 2 years old? Either way we love him. I was just looking for opinions on his breed and if you think he will get any bigger. He's over 30lbs and about 18 inches tall.

Pictures are of him at the shelter, him on his freedom ride and the day of his grooming. Groomer had to cut him extremely short because he was severely matted. (Pics in comments. Don't know why they didn't post originally).

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Whatever he is.......he is very cute!!  

Hard to tell, but he is absolutely adorable.  You might try one of those pet DNA kits to be sure.

He is :) I added the photos because I don't think they uploaded in original post.
Poor thing. I'm so glad we found him.
He looks very similar to my neighbor's Schnoodle! He's adorable. I just ordered a DNA test kit for my dog. Give it a try if you're curious!
He does look like my friends schnoodle :)

I have no clue, but he is so adorable. I am glad you adopted him.

Cute! Thanks for giving him a good home.

He is cute!! I think he has doodle\poodle in him, but I am not for sure... At the shelter, did they say what his situation was? Like where they found him, or if he was surrendered??

Good Luck!

They just said they found him on streets. He was on a 5 day hold with no claim. He was intact and very obedient. Which leads me to believe he did have owners at one point. No microchip either.

Awww... Poor Little guy:( I agree with Jane, that you might want to try a DNA kit. There are a few different kinds.

I hope you can find out what he is:)

Hmmm.  He is a cutie.  Yes, I would say a doodle, or some type of poodle mix.  Probably a terrier/poodle mix.  We got a little dog from rescue also when Groucho Too died and Harpo needed a companion.  A "breeder" said he was a mini-labradoodle but we took one look and said no way.  Anyway Harpo loved him so we took him.  He was about a year old and about 25 skinny pounds.  Turns out he was a Jackapoo (Jack Russell terrier/poodle mix).  He climbs trees and is a wonderful swimmer.  Take a look at my photos of meet Zeppo.  He has a curly head and wiry body.  Eli is a little keeper for sure and if you really want to know his breed get one of those easy tests of his DNA.  Sometimes the results are surprising.



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