Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok so I'm probably overthinking this. I work two days a week from my downtown office. Lucy will be on her own from 8:30 am (when kids leave for school) until 3:40 (when the first gets home). My daughter comes home for a quick lunch and will let Lucy out. This is our first day that we've had to do this as usually I have a neighbour who takes her. Lucy is 6 months old. Feeling bad; Does anyone else crate their dogs during the day and how do they do?? Thank you!!

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I crate when I leave. I wish I didn't have to, but sometimes Katie is naughty when I'm home. I can only imagine what she would do if I gave her free run of the house. But honestly, she likes her crate. And she knows when I'm going to leave. She runs and gets in her crate. Sometimes I plan to take her with me and she's already in her crate. I have to convince her to come back out, that we are going to the dog park! And sometimes when I'm watching TV and she could be sitting with me on the couch she will go lay in her crate for a while. And I don't ever feel like she urgently needs to pee when I get home either. The first thing I do when I get home is let her out. But she takes her sweet time about going to the bathroom. She has to chase a squirrel or a stick or a dust fairy first. 

Mostly I don't feel guilty. I wish I didn't have to work and I could stay home with them all the time. But someone has to buy dog food. And they have a really good life. I work three (really long) days. But my social life is such that I'm with them most of the rest of the time. 

I bet your girl is going to do fine. As long as she already knows and is okay with the crate I bet she just goes to sleep and she'll be ready to play when you get back. Good luck!

Thanks for your note!! Lucy sounds similar to Katy to be honest. She sleeps in her crate at night and when we go out where we can't take her. I too wish I didn't have to work but that isn't a reality. When my kids were little I didn't want to leave them so opted for a flexible job/arrangement. I work from home quite a bit and in my office two days a week. Now that my kids are a bit older i feel guilty about the dog LOL!! Outside of work someone is almost always home (we don't have much of a social life haha) other than kid commitments. Thanks again!!

I don't like crating Bella either because I feel bad, but we left her in the kitchen all alone while we were at CVS, and had skype on, and she HATED it! She was whining and panting:( I felt so bad... She likes her crate because she feels safer apparently:) She is alone for tops-6 hours, and we have no problems. I think she will be fine, and its even better that she gets a potty break!

That reminds me of Orwell. But, I can just be talking on the phone with my mom and he knows that it is me on the other line. He absolutely loses it and makes my mom let him in the garage to check to see if my car is there. 

Thank you!!! I too think she'll be just fine. Your experiment is interesting. I also believe they feel safest in their crate. They may be bored and a bit lonely but I'm not convinced they wouldn't be those things outside their crate. And at least in their crates they aren't scared or nervous.

My question has always been, and will probably always be - since they don't speak english, how do dogs conceptualize time? My dogs greet me with the same excitement if I'm gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours. Do they really know that today was a really really long day in your crate and tomorrow you'll only be home alone for 30 minutes while I run to the store? 

I know; I have pondered that one as well many times!! It's not like sit in their crate counting the hours go by.

I routinely crate Roo and Tigger.  They love their crates and sometimes just go lay in them, although I prefer them with me.

I try to limit crate time to five hours or less at a stretch because Roo needs to drink a lot because of both his Addison's medication and salix.  Then of course he needs to pee.

I you take time to play, rub, groom, etc (at least one of these) everyday, please don't feel bad about crating.  Dogs feel safe in their crates. 

The most common mistake of us humans is transferring our emotions onto our dogs.  Dog will love what they get used to, as long as they feel safe, get fed, have enough human contact, play and encouragement to feel confident in their social lives.  Most dogs love their 'safe zones" (crates) as long as their owners haven't used the crate as punishments.  When we tell Sydney to go to his crate (we say "go nighty- nite") before we leave, Hershey goes to the open bed beside his crate and lays down.  Hershey even doesn't follow us to the door.     

All of the comments today have made me feel so much better!! Thank you all. Lucy gets tons of love and affection from all of us when we are with her so if she needs to spend a few hours alone I her crate a couple of days a week that's ok. She was fine today!! Nothing out of the ordinary about her behaviour. Happy to see us of course, but no happier than she would have bee had we be gone for only an hour. All is well ☺️
Most people work, so crating is just what happens. Rosie is crated 8-3 on week days, and we have a dog walker come by to take her out everyday.
Now that she is old enough we are considering taking her to dog care once a week.

We bought an excercise pen to attach to the crate but she tries to knock it over if we leave her in there. Also I am not sure she will hold her pee there like she does in the crate.



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