Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I have been wanting a labradoodle/goldendoodle for over two years. Had some health problems to take care of (specifically knee replacements) and now I am so ready to make a new friend this spring or summer!!
This year at our Thanksgiving my husband's brother and his wife, who are both vets, started in on what terrible crazy dogs doodles are. Did not have one good thing to say about them and said they wouldn't recommend them to anyone!! Then one of the young girls visiting started in too. She grooms dogs and said doodles were the worst, she hated doing them, they were such a pain. Needless to say I was crushed! I have been so down ever since and can't seem to get out of this blue fog.
I have researched for several years and think particularly a goldendoodle would be perfect for me. I am retired, home alone almost all the time, have so much love to give and have always loved dogs. There is a good groomer in our town and a lovely young lady who has started a business training dogs. She is highly qualified and I will be looking to her for help.
So guess I am just needed some positive thoughts on doodles and I thought members here would be able to give me honest, first hand, actual life experiences on living with a doodle. Please and Thank You!!
Turbo and I thank you.
I love those big beautiful bright eyes in his pup photo!
Turbo is gorgeous!! He just shines!! Thank you for sharing his story, you two sound just like I want to be!!
Thank you very much and hope you find your FUREVER DOODLE......
I really think it's so important to realize that they are all very different. I have a mini ALD who is smart, sweet, and so easy. I have a standard (70 lbs) who is extremely difficult in spite of lots of training from one of the best trainers in our area. He is reactive to some other dogs and he is very strong. My husband has had both knees replaced and I can say he was unable to walk our Murphy for quite awhile after, and even now has to be very careful. If he sees another dog and decides that he doesn't like something about him he goes crazy barking and lunging. It is very difficult to hold him when he's in this state. Do your homework if you decide to get a Doodle and be sure it's a good breeder who focuses on temperament and health. Also, for other than a mini I think a fenced in yard is key.
All good to know!! Thank you for the advice!! I was thinking of getting a medium as she will be easier to travel with I think. My youngest used to have to large dogs and he had trouble finding hotels that allowed large dogs. Of course that has been several years ago and I know many places are more dog friendly now.
I am sad to say we took our back yard fence out a few years after our sweet Goldie died, it was such a pain mowing/weed-eating around. Sort of thought at the time I might regret it but too late now! My doctor wants me to walk more so guess that is what we will do!! Win win for both of us! Appreciate all of your good ideas!! Thank you!
TURBO because of his size I turn him out in the yard which is an acre but I have taught him to stay on the property. My yard is not fenced but I did make him a 50ft by 45ft playpen with 6 ft chain link fence.It is attached to my garage and I have screen doors on the outside of the garage door that I cut a doogie door into it. I use this area when I am working in my woos shop and that gives him the freedom to go in and out and He can't get into any trouble while I am busy. TURBO likes to run and run and run full speed around the house and the yard. He will do this for a good 30 min but that burns up his morning energy and then he is very laid back. He does this 2 to 3 times a day so I don't have to walk him. We also play a lot of fetch weather permitting. I found with him that the freedom of running several times a day is the best exercise for him.He is also tight curly like a Persian lamb coat and I keep him short curly. He doesn't shed and is not hard to comb out. His curls just spring back.
DonMarieand Picco---It was those eyes and the white soul patch that I saw and stopped looking as soon as I saw that picture....He just won my heart with that look. He was the first born and the last pup to leave. I know he was just waiting for me to give him a new loving home.
Yeah, I think you two were made for each other - both a little goofy!
Yes he's as goofy as me.
Don't listen to them!! I love my doodle (I have had other breeds) my VET loves my doodle, my groomer LOVES my doodle! There are bad "apples" in every breed. It sounds like you have the time to love a DOODLE and train him. Go for it!!!
All so good to know!! Thank you for sharing your good experiences!!
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