Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

They say that dogs are good judges of character, and I believe that's true. The first time Rich entered my home several years ago to check my furnace, I knew he was a good person because of the way Jackdoodle responded to him. Instead of the ferocious lunging and barking with which he usually greets any service person who enters our house, JD brought Rich a ball. Somehow he just knew that this particular stranger loved dogs, and he was right. The fact that Rich is also an honest, hardworking, punctual, down-to-earth family man is just frosting on the kibble as far as JD is concerned. As for me, when I called the HVAC company after my furnace started acting up yesterday morning and was told that Rich didn't have any openings until this morning, I was prepared to sleep in my parka if I had to, rather than settle for a different technician. 

Over the years, Rich has always taken a little time to play ball with JD, no matter how busy he is, and he and I have shared a lot of stories about our dogs. This morning, he gave me the sad news that his Rottweiler Bella, who had lots of health issues, had died in January. After grieving for a few weeks, Rich needed to fill the empty space in his home and his heart by adopting another dog. He found a listing for a female mixed breed at a local shelter who seemed like a good match for him, and went to meet her. The two of them really hit it off, and Rich made plans to adopt her. But sharing the kennel with the female was Duke, a big black senior male Lab mix who seemed depressed; he'd been at the shelter for several weeks, and nobody was interested in adopting him. Rich knew that big black senior males in shelters have the odds stacked against them when it comes to being chosen for adoption, and he just couldn't bring himself to leave the old guy behind to face a very uncertain fate. He asked to adopt both dogs. Duke needed neutering before he could be adopted out, and a home check needed to be done, so arrangements were made.

Long story short, Duke's neuter surgery was horribly botched, and a short time after Rich brought him home, the dog's incision was bleeding heavily and he was terribly swollen. Rich was unable to reach anyone at the shelter, and fearing for the dog, he brought him into the local emergency vet. Thank Dog he did, because Duke had a very very bad infection along with swelling in his groin and legs, and every kind of worm there is. He was admitted to the hospital. Less than 24 hours after finally getting a home, poor Duke was back in a kennel environment, feeling worse than ever. And less than 24 hours after his good heart led him to save a senior dog, my friend Rich found himself with an enormous (and still growing) vet bill for a dog he hasn't yet had the chance to get to know. Doesn't matter, Duke has a home for the rest of his life. 

One of Rich's friends has set up a Go Fund Me page to help Rich with Duke's vet bills. Here is the link. If anyone here has anything at all to spare, a good man and a good dog sure could use some help. Thank you so much for reading.

 Please Help Duke   

Go Fund Me Page

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I will be glad to donate. I'm just sorry that it can't be larger. People who do such wonderful things for helpless animals should not be "punished" for caring. I really hope the shelter does pay the bills and if they do, I'm sure Rich can use the donations to help make both dogs lives happier. May God bless them all!

Thanks so much, Lori.

I'm thinking that even if the shelter does contribute toward the ER bills,  they are definitely not going to pay for heartworm treatment, which as you know is very expensive and very painful. Imagine adopting out a HW+ dog! 

Thanks for letting us know Karen.  Done. Happy to help and I hope Duke's happiest years are ahead of him with Rich.  What a nice man! 

Thank you so much, Cheryl! 

Hey....just wanted to bump this up for those who might not visit the site during the week or mostly visit on Weekends.  They are just under half-way toward their goal.

This is a very good cause....the people who run this site, including Karen, give alot of themselves.  So please consider donating.....every little drop helps....even $5 or $10.  That's fine.

Thanks !

Thank you so much, Frank. 
The latest update: 

"Rich along with his family would like to thank everyone so much for their support! Without you we wouldn't be able to give you this fabulous update on Dukes's condition. Without you...Duke wouldn't be recovering as well as he is! A million thanks to all!

He is doing so much better! He is still on antibiotics and will be for a few more days and takes pain pills if needed. He is a brand new dog! He is eating and has a healthy appetite! His swelling and infection has gone down to nearly normal sized. His incision has nearly healed with there is no more pus coming out of it. 

Most importantly...He's so happy! His tail wags a mile a minute! He wants to run and have fun however he has to wait until his re-check with the vet this weekend to make sure he is allowed to romp around. Right now he's being kept as quiet as possible so that he can continue to recover. We can tell it's hard for him to stay still because he feels so good! We're all so happy for him!

Thanks so much to everyone! With your help Duke has indeed been given a second chance at life in his golden years. He is so loved and so deserving of this chance you all have helped to give him. Thanks so much from the bottom of all our hearts."

Great news !!  I am glad I was able to help this good person and his dog.  It's nice to give back, even anonymously in cyberspace !!  LOL

Now..if this site ever has an Off Topic Financial Q&A, then I'll REALLY be able to help !  LOL

What a wonderful update.  I am so glad for your friend and for Duke.

I'm so glad to hear this about Duke! From one botched spay to another, it's a truly terrible experience!

This just makes me so happy, it's great to get an update, watching the pot grown just made my heart swell.
Duke, you hit the jackpot!

He really did. And I'm so grateful to everyone who helped. 

We are happy to help Rich and Duke.



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