Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We don't allow dogs on furniture (sofa, beds, etc) at our house, but every great once in a while, if one of the doodles is freshly washed (or I'm going to change the bed sheets anyway) I have invited one of them up for snuggling. Usually when Clark is gone -- teehee (though I always tell him about it later).

Last night Rosco had a bath and he was soooo clean feeling and clean smelling that when he came by our bed this morning I convinced Clark to have Rosco come up on the bed to snuggle with him. But Rosco, being so ingrained with the idea that beds are for HUMANS was a little confused. The conversation went like this:

Clark (patting bed): Come on up Rosco!
Rosco: Huh?
Clark: Up, come on up!
Rosco: Sorry I'm not getting it
Clark (patting the bed harder): Rosco...come on...up up up!
Rosco: Are you talking to ME?
Clark: Rosco...come on buddy...come up!
Rosco: Daddy is this a trick?
Clark: Come on! Jump up!
Rosco: Serious? you want me up there?
Clark: Yes Rosco. You. Up HERE!
Rosco: Okay...but how do I DO that?
Clark: Well both paws...come on you can do it!

Rosco proceeded to roll himself in all the wonderful human bed smells for about 1 minute and then collapsed happy to be snuggling.

I headed out the room to get a picture but before I even spotted the camera, Rosco the DOG had already hopped off the bed to follow me. LOL...silly boy!

This was repeated during our afternoon nap, but I had Rosco next to me for snuggling and he was soooo still (valuing this special treat) and good. It won't happen again for a loooong time but it was nice =)

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Puppy dogs in our household are not allowed on furniture PERIOD. Not because of the "icky" factor that some people have...but just because they get too stinkin' big! When they're pups its great! Its fun cuddle time, and they're small enough to fit resonably well. Then they grow up! :) And they think its still okay to be in bed with mom and dad...and they end up taking more room than who the bed is made for. Just doesn't work for me to be squished out of my own bed...LOL And regarding other furniture...I know I wouldn't want to be at someones house and have a dog jump up in my lap or sit down on what I know to be a "doggy" we never let the dog up on any furniture. I don't plan on changing any of the rules this time around...and I definitely don't think Sam would let me even if I wanted to!
I need some suggestions about how to keep puppies OFF the furniture and bed. Maggie discovered quite by accident that she could run and actually jump onto the bed. (She is 5 months old) Until then she would not even try. Now she gets up there and runs around wildly until I force her off. Well yesterday she jumped on the bed and proceeded to pee on it! I was so shocked. I do not want to get her started thinking it's ok to be on the bed (or other furniture for that matter) without being asked. My question is, how do I keep her off? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Don't think I can help here. Zoey is 8 weeks and sleeps in my bed from the day I brought her soon as I wake up I get her and take her right outside so we don't have an accident....Ozzy is 9 months old and no matter what I do he insists on sleeping downstairs on the sofa....and won't come up to bed...I like to snuggle up to my dogs.
Bodi comes to bed when I do (very early!) but then leaves to have play time with my DH. When the weather permits Bodi gets a nice walk in the late evening and then heads straight for his crate by himself! When we visited family over the holidays he slept with us on the bed for most of the night. When he got too hot he jumped down and laid on the floor. I love snuggling with Bodi at the end of the day and he loves it too!
Originally I was staunchly set against having a dog on any furniture. Berkley was my first indoor dog and I wasn't quite sure how it was all going to work but as time went on Katherine (my fiance') kept working on me and Berkley kept softening my heart until she is allowed on the couch, but the bed is still (and always will be) a no no. We are a pack, but the pack has leaders, and the leaders get the bed :-D
I must say Charlie sleeps with us. He really likes it when my DH is on the road. He then sleep on his side of the bed. He (Charlie) is a great sleep partner. He doesn't move, snore , or steal the covers=)
On the nights Cassie sleeps in my daughter's room, she likes to sleep under the bed, or half-under... she started that herself, and now on a rare occasion she jumps on my daughter's bed, we just say 'no, Cassie, down', and she pretty much knows my daughter's bed is a no-no. On the nights she sleeps in our room, she sleeps either on our bed, or on hers, next to my side of the bed. I give her a bath once a week, and change our sheets the same day, so we start fresh every 7 days :-) Oh, yes, and the kids frequently join us at some point during the night, so I usually wake up with 1 husband (unless he's gone to work already), 2 kids and 1 dog in bed with me... the cat has given up on our bed. Cassie is getting on his nerves, so he sleeps in his kitty castle on top of the 5 drawer chest in my room.

As for the other rooms, she's not allowed on the living room furniture; she IS allowed on the family room couch - we've had a blanket on it, since we got Cassie, but I find it next to the couch, instead of on it at least once a day!
Ha, ha, ha, that's cute - treats under pillows! Hey, maybe they are leaving them there for YOU, as a 'thank-you-mommy-for-treating-us-like-royalty'...



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