Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I am seriously looking at getting a medium australian labradoodle but am very wary of the exercise requirements. Some places are saying multiple times a day for a total of over an hour. Others say a good walk most days will do the trick. Do medium doodles require less exercise than standard size? Is it possible to temperment match with a more relaxed dog that would require less exercise?


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All puppies have energy--if I could have a dollar for everyone who wants a calm, relaxed pup, I would be rich (I raise pups)--they need a lot of activity as do most dogs--and it does decrease as they get older, but never down to zero. I agree that there are some dogs that are couch potatoes, but there is no way to know that when they are young and rarely does it start that early.

I have three labradoodles--they are not particularly active--they have invisible fence so they do run around the yard several times a day and a good walk with me and that is it--they play together a bit and like to chew on nylabones, but otherwise, they are sleeping at my feet--but they  are 6, 8 and 10, so they have matured!

Mine is a standard size but it is my deeply held belief that a well-exercised dog is a happy dog. He is such a good boy and I feel like I owe him his daily outings. We walk him 5-8 km per day and also run him in the park most days as well. It is good for all of us and he is content and settled.

I think you are very wise to be asking this question before you get your dog. I agree completely with BG that a well-exercised dog is a happy dog--the more activity the better. My doodle is six years old, weighs about 55 pounds, and she needs at least an hour of exercise each day for us both to be happy (meaning that she maintains her weight, isn't restless or destructive, and listens to me). For us this means two 30-40 minute (at minimum) walks plus several visits to the yard (sometimes to play fetch with the ball) every day. She definitely needed more than this when she was younger (for the first couple of years especially). 

Congrats to you for researching before you jump right in.  I do not think size plays a part in how much exercise a dog needs. I know quite a few people that have minis that are off the charts active and would drive me crazy! LOL.  We have two medium ALDs and just happened to get two that I consider more on the couch potato side (30 minutes walk most days) and they play ball for about 5 - 10 minutes in the a.m. and late afternoon.  Our breeder is one that uses temperament testing to place her puppies with the right family.  It worked for us, but it may be we just lucked out - of course the breeder maintains it makes a difference.  That being said, if you are a first time puppy owner, you might consider joining the various groups on this site such as Puppy Madness, the Grooming Groups and Training group to get an idea of  what puppy ownership requires.   

I think it depends more on the dog than the size too. I have a 50 lb. ALD who happily lives in our condo. She enjoys her walks, but to be honest, if I'm unable to walk her much (such as when I'm sick) she is totally fine. She's very rarely home alone, and I think she is happy as long as she has company. My neighbor's goldendoodle is also easy going just like Cocoa- maybe because they've always been city dogs and rarely enjoy the feeling of running free.

Of course, puppies are a different matter... expect at least 18 months of lots of work!

I have a medium sized ALD.  I am a walker, so when the breeder did temperament testing, I wanted one that could keep up with me.  Looking for a medium active dog.  Boy did I get that!   Zoey loves to walk and if it were up to her we would be out 4 times a day 20-30 min.  I usually do 2 30 min walks, fetch, and tug.  Sometimes throw in the dog park.  I also agree that a tired dog is a happy dog.  She is more active than my previous dog and needs more attention.  She is only 7 months and has not been left by herself, so that could be part of it.   When I had a minor surgery I hired a dog walker - she really needs to go! 

We won't get an English Springer Spaniel again (we've had two) because of energy issues and our aging bodies.  I am sad but realistic about it. As a group, doodles are fairly high energy dogs. All puppies have lots of energy, but they usually settle down a lot when they are adults.  My mini and large-medium doodles have not been high energy dogs.  My other medium wants much  more exercise and he's much younger. We have a dog-door and my guys love to race downstairs and outside when they hear a noise, then come back in only to hear something and race outside again. 

I agree with those who have said that it depends upon the individual temperament of the dog, and it's very difficult to tell at the puppy stage.  I have a standard (70 lbs) and a mini (22 lbs), and they both need two really good walks a day (total of about 90 minutes).  The rest of the time we do quick "potty walks".  When the weather is really bad we play inside....they love chasing a soft ball, and that gets rid of some of their energy.

I think it is more the dog than size?  Leo is  medium size goldendoodle and would be happy to take a little walk, play a little then he is content. His sister has always had more energy and could go all day.  She is very lean and would love agility type things.



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