Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
This how Toby looked when he got up this morning. Immediately called the vet this morning, we have an appointment at 1:30pm. He was treated for Uveitus in April of 2015, also for the cloudy eyes. No discharge from the eyes. (It was also mentioned to us at that time that a tumor behind the eyes could cause this, although meds treated the eyes successfully and they didn't feel we needed further testing at that time). Something comes to mind.... when this happened in April, 2015, Toby had been at grooming the week before. We had let our groomer know about his eyes, and she said there was nothing she would have used that could have caused this. She has been grooming him for years, is good with him, we always stay and wait for him, never leave him because he is always at risk for seizures, and not many groomers will accept him. Toby was just groomed last Wednesday. Just a thought. Has anyone had this happen, would there be any possibility that his eyes are super sensitive to something she may be using during the bath? He has so many issues and is so sensitive to everything. Have any of you seen this before, and any thoughts on this? Asking for prayers for Toby today.
UPDATE: Eyes are clearing up, left eye still pretty cloudy, right eye has made big improvement, still have a ways to go, but I am so happy he is improving. As of last night he was able to follow us and see his ball, that's a very good thing! I do have a call into the vet, he is now vomiting everything up. His stomach was quite unsettled last night, had to get up a couple times through the night to go out, which is very unusual for him. He has very loose stools now. He is also refusing to eat, his meds require him to eat, he has even vomited up seizure meds from this morning...we have tried small pieces of burger, chicken, watermelon, canned dog food, even tried wrapping his phenobarb in a small piece of cheese, no luck! Vet told we could give him Pepcid Ac if he got an upset stomach, we have been giving 10 mg tablet twice a day since he started on the meds. Thank goodness we have a SpotBot!
I'm sorry to hear this, Debbie. I'm glad you're taking him to the vet.
I don't think this was caused by the groomer, at least not directly. Products used during grooming could possibly be irritating to the eyes, but they wouldn't cause the cloudiness. I also stay with Jack when he's groomed, and I know the groomer puts drops in his eyes first so that nothing will get into them or irritate them. One of the causes of uveitis in dogs is immune-mediated, and sometimes, with immune-mediated disease, stress will trigger a flare. But there's no way to know for sure. Sending positive thoughts for you and Toby, and hoping for good news from your vet.
Thanks, Karen. We are happy with our groomer, so it was just a thought if the shampoo or something was causing an irritation leading to this. He does not like grooming and really fights going in, so maybe it is the stress, I am just so concerned because this has happened twice. Could the "immune" issue be something related to seizures and all the meds Toby is on? His poor nose is dried up every since he started on all the seizure meds. I am so worried about this. I have a lot of questions to discuss with the vet today. Will keep everyone posted
The immune-mediated issue would be the uveitis itself. Meds wouldn't cause it, and there can be several causes for uveitis. Here's a good basic article that lists some possible causes:
There are many potential causes of uveitis. Sometimes the true cause is never discovered. Common causes are:
I'm a big believer in veterinary specialists for these kinds of things. JD has seen 10 different specialists for his various health issues, and I've always found that I save time, money, and worry when I see a specialist sooner rather than later, not to mention that Jack isn't put through unnecessary testing, and gets relief sooner. My vet is usually good about referring us. But I'd wait and see what your vet says. Hang in there.
Poor Toby! I hope the vet can help bring answers and heal him quickly.
I am so sorry. Not that this is at all pertinent to this situation, but I had a dog with cataracts and, in photos, that is the way his eyes looked. Please update us when Toby has seen the dr.
Thanks, Nancy. They were very confident today that it was Utevitus again, but this is something I will definitely mention to the Opthamologist. They are very concerned about the repeat episode, twice in two years. This just happens so fast, both times he was perfectly fine when he went to bed the night before, then looked like this when he woke up. He did prescribe the same meds he was treated with before in which he had a very quick and successful recovery, but we do need to figure out the underlying cause.
We saw the vet today. After the evaluations, numbing eyes, checking eye pressures, etc it was again determined it was Utevitus. There were 2 other vets currently in that also were called in our room. They said this is very unusual, very rare to see an issue with both eyes affected equally with this. They suggested we do see a canine Opthamologist as this is the second time in 2 years this has happened. They sent us home with Minocycline 100 mg capsules, Rimadyl 75 mg chews, Atropine Drops and Ofloxacin Drops. I have ordered more Proviable DC. I am so glad I called first thing this morning to get him in, and so thankful they were able to see him at 1:30, as Toby's eyes and vision got worse throughout the day. (Our previous vet would never schedule same day appointments, we have been with this vet for about 1 1/2 years and are very happy with them, even though they are an hour away) By the time we got home, we just cuddled. Had to guide him around the house, and pretty much hand feed him as he had no interest in eating, and it is critical he eat with some of the meds. Tomorrow I will start calling around for Opthamologists. It looks like the nearest one is almost 2 hours away. Vet said most important today was get him started on all doses of meds and keep him safe from hurting himself since he can't see right now. I just hope now that starting these new meds don't trigger seizures, as they have also gotten worse and are almost all clusters running about a month apart now. His eyes are my priority right now. Still asking for prayers for relief for Toby and hope that we can find out what is causing this. Thank you all for your thoughts and for caring.
I'm so glad that you got your diagnosis and began treatment. I am so sorry for Toby and you to have to even deal with this. I'm sending hugs and prayers that he perks up quite soon. Keep us updated.
Thank you, Nancy!
Hoping the meds work quickly and don't trigger any seizures. Also hoping you can find an opthamologist who can get to the root of this and keep it from happening again. Positive thoughts and hugs to you both.
Thank you!
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