Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This how Toby looked when he got up this morning. Immediately called the vet this morning, we have an appointment at 1:30pm. He was treated for Uveitus in April of 2015, also for the cloudy eyes. No discharge from the eyes. (It was also mentioned to us at that time that a tumor behind the eyes could cause this, although meds treated the eyes successfully and they didn't feel we needed further testing at that time).  Something comes to mind.... when this happened in April, 2015, Toby had been at grooming the week before. We had let our groomer know about his eyes, and she said there was nothing she would have used that could have caused this. She has been grooming him for years, is good with him, we always stay and wait for him, never leave him because he is always at risk for seizures, and not many groomers will accept him. Toby was just groomed last Wednesday. Just a thought. Has anyone had this happen, would there be any possibility that his eyes are super sensitive to something she may be using during the bath? He has so many issues and is so sensitive to everything. Have any of you seen this before, and any thoughts on  this?  Asking for prayers for Toby today.

UPDATE: Eyes are clearing up, left eye still pretty cloudy, right eye has made big improvement, still have a ways to go, but I am so happy he is improving. As of last night he was able to follow us and see his ball, that's a very good thing! I do have a call into the vet, he is now vomiting everything up. His stomach was quite unsettled last night, had to get up a couple times through the night to go out, which is very unusual for him. He has very loose stools now.  He is also refusing to eat, his meds require him to eat, he has even vomited up seizure meds from this morning...we have tried small pieces of burger, chicken, watermelon, canned dog food, even tried wrapping his phenobarb in a small piece of cheese, no luck!  Vet told we could give him Pepcid Ac if he got an upset stomach, we have been giving 10 mg tablet twice a day since he started on the meds. Thank goodness we have a SpotBot! 

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The nice thing about eggs is that's the most easily absorbed and utilized protein, and nutritonally, it's much more beneficial than carbs like bread or rice; I think when dog isn't eating anything, it's important that whatever you can get into him provide as much nutrition as possible.

I'm not sure what all is in Gatorade, but I do know there are added colorings and flavorings are well as chemical stabilizers, and I'm not sure how good that would be for him.

When Jack has been seriously ill and at risk of dehydrating, I've taken him in to the vet for subQ fluids. That might be your best option if possible.  

Thanks. I am steaming some rice now, I will scramble an egg to add to it, hopefully one of those will entice him to eat a bit. Normally we don't give any of these foods, we try to stick to his basic diet, but when it gets like this, I am willing to try anything. We don't add any oil or butter to the pan for the eggs. Hopefully one of these will work. He does go through days where he won't eat hardly anything, (although he's eat a few treats) but usually by the end of the day he'll eat again. A neighbor had just told me about Gatorade, I'm glad I didn't give any to him. Now I know I won't be doing that. Thanks for the suggestions.

He would only lick the egg, but won't eat the egg or the rice. He acts like he wants to eat it, he just won't.  He did drink a bit of water after licking the egg. Are Rimadyl or Minocycline know to cause this much stomach upset? Made an appointment for 5:15pm this afternoon, they said if he shows improvement we can wait until our scheduled appointment at 11:40 tomorrow morning.

We have plain greek yogurt, is this safe to give him on these meds? I wasn't sure if dairy was ok

Rimadyl causes major, major stomach problems, and minocycline can cause nausea. I'm guessing his tummy is feeling pretty bad.

I don't know if Cerenia would be contraindicated for Toby with all of his issues, but that's what Jack has been given for nausea & vomiting when he's had an IBD flare. You might ask your vet about it. 

About Rimadyl:

What are the possible side effects that may occur in my dog during Rimadyl therapy? Rimadyl, like other drugs, may cause some side effects. Serious but rare side effects have been reported in dogs taking NSAIDs, including Rimadyl. Serious side effects can occur with or without warning and in rare situations result in death. The most common NSAID-related side effects generally involve the stomach (such as bleeding ulcers), and liver or kidney problems. Look for the following side effects that can indicate your dog may be having a problem with Rimadyl or may have another medical problem: • Decrease or increase in appetite • Vomiting • Change in bowel movements (such as diarrhea, or black, tarry or bloody stools) • Change in behavior (such as decreased or increased activity level, incoordination, seizure or aggression) • Yellowing of gums, skin, or whites of the eyes (jaundice) • Change in drinking habits (frequency, amount consumed) • Change in urination habits (frequency, color, or smell) • Change in skin (redness, scabs, or scratching) It is important to stop therapy and contact your veterinarian immediately if you think your dog has a medical problem or side effect from Rimadyl therapy. If you have additional questions about possible side effects, talk to your veterinarian.

Thanks. I am calling the vet right now. I asked about stomach upset when we were in there since Toby has issues with so many meds,  and that's why they said to give the Pepcid ac. But it is not working and the rimadyl could very well be causing this.


  • Oral: The most common side effects in dogs and cats are GI upset, including nausea and vomiting. In order to minimize GI side effects, minocycline is frequently given with food.

We were giving Minocycline with food, per the instructions.  I just left a message at the vet's office again and the Dr is suppose to call me back. Toby is drinking more water again, but still not wanting to eat. I know they are going to get tired of me calling today, but I can not ignore this. On a good note, his eyes are still continuing to improve. They are more brown with just a little cloudiness in them, for that I am very happy. Now I am worried sick about this nausea, vomiting and loose stools.

His eyes being clearer is a very good thing; it shows the meds are working. :)
The drug info clearly says to contact your vet immediately if you think your dog is having a medical problem or side effect from the Rimadyl, so don;t worry about your vet getting tired of you calling; you're doing exactly what a good pet owner should be doing. Hang in there, kid. :) 

Gatorade has lots of salt I think?

This is what his eyes look like now, I tried to zoom in, left eye is still a bit cloudy but both are making progress. Right eye is more clear, pupil does look dilatedSo happy! Now to get the tummy issues straightened out!. Still waiting for Dr to call, have appointment this afternoon, still have follow up scheduled for tomorrow, and suppose to get recommendations for an opthamologist.

Wow, that looks like a dramatic improvement.  I'm so glad his eyes are improving but sorry to hear the meds are causing other problems.  I hope he soon gets some relief from the tummy problems.

That is a great improvement for sure! Let's hope his tummy issues clear up soon!!



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