Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

ISLAY came home with us this week! She's a 9 week old mini F1b Irishdoodle. She is named after one of the islands between Scotland and Ireland where we visited last year (they make my husband's favorite Scotch there - he named her). We were stationed overseas for the past 7 years and have been wanting a dog for so long. Now we're in Tampa, Florida, and she was so worth the wait. We are completely in love with her! 

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She is beautiful and what a pretty name!  Welcome!  Be sure and check out the Puppy Madness group - it really helps.

Thank you! I'm in that group. Such great info. 

A beauty!! Welcome!

Look at all those curls!  She is adorable!

Thank you! She is very curly. Mom is a mini red Irishdoodle and Dad is a red standard Moyen Poodle. She has mom's coloring, face and tail and Dad's curls!

She's so pretty and looks so sweet. How do you pronounce her name?

Thank you! Say "Eye-luh" or "Eye-lay" but the S is silent. Natives say Eye-Luh so that's how we pronounce it.

That's very pretty!

Love it! She is beautiful!
Islam is a beauty.

Oh MY!  I always wanted an Irish Dood!  Lucky you lucky Islay.  Thanks for letting us know how to pronounce her name, I was slaughtering it!  Welcome and always always check out the main page slide show and show your beautiful new baby off by posting her pictures...lots of fun!

She is a beautiful girl! I love those tiny bits of white.  I just read how you pronounce her name.  I thought it was lovely when I pronounced it Is-Ley, but the correct way is absolutely a show stopper of a name.  :-}



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