Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This how Toby looked when he got up this morning. Immediately called the vet this morning, we have an appointment at 1:30pm. He was treated for Uveitus in April of 2015, also for the cloudy eyes. No discharge from the eyes. (It was also mentioned to us at that time that a tumor behind the eyes could cause this, although meds treated the eyes successfully and they didn't feel we needed further testing at that time).  Something comes to mind.... when this happened in April, 2015, Toby had been at grooming the week before. We had let our groomer know about his eyes, and she said there was nothing she would have used that could have caused this. She has been grooming him for years, is good with him, we always stay and wait for him, never leave him because he is always at risk for seizures, and not many groomers will accept him. Toby was just groomed last Wednesday. Just a thought. Has anyone had this happen, would there be any possibility that his eyes are super sensitive to something she may be using during the bath? He has so many issues and is so sensitive to everything. Have any of you seen this before, and any thoughts on  this?  Asking for prayers for Toby today.

UPDATE: Eyes are clearing up, left eye still pretty cloudy, right eye has made big improvement, still have a ways to go, but I am so happy he is improving. As of last night he was able to follow us and see his ball, that's a very good thing! I do have a call into the vet, he is now vomiting everything up. His stomach was quite unsettled last night, had to get up a couple times through the night to go out, which is very unusual for him. He has very loose stools now.  He is also refusing to eat, his meds require him to eat, he has even vomited up seizure meds from this morning...we have tried small pieces of burger, chicken, watermelon, canned dog food, even tried wrapping his phenobarb in a small piece of cheese, no luck!  Vet told we could give him Pepcid Ac if he got an upset stomach, we have been giving 10 mg tablet twice a day since he started on the meds. Thank goodness we have a SpotBot! 

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This sounds very positive to me, and I'm so glad he ate!!!. Cerenia has always worked well and quickly for Jack.

When the Dr mentioned the injection, I was a little nervous about it, asked could there be an risk of reactions, as I didn't want to take any chances on something else happening, he said no, it was completely safe and very effective at reducing nausea quickly. So I agreed to it. I gave Toby a "snack" tonight, small amount of kibble with a bit of sweet potato mixed in, (no chicken tis time) he again ate it! So I am quite happy, we will start slow over the next day and gradually add more kibble. Keeping fingers crossed that the worst is over for now. Still need to  figure why the repeat episodes of the Utevitus, but we need to work on his tummy issues now and get him back on regular meals. For two days he has layed around and slept off and on, no energy, seizures, now he has finally had some energy tonight to play with his ball for awhile. So I feel we are making good progress with his eyes and tummy issue. Thank you for all your help and suggestions. I feel so lost when he gets sick like this, and it really helps to get opinions and suggestions from others. I am glad that Cerenia has worked well for Jack. I hope he is doing well. Hugs to all!

Hi Debbie. I've been following Toby's ordeal and hope that he continues to improve. Both of my dogs have been given Cerenia for nausea, and it has worked well and quickly. The medication also comes in tablets, so you might want to consider asking Toby's vet for some as an alternative to going back to the clinic for further injections.  

thank you, I am happy to hear that Cerenia  has also worked well for both of your pups. It di seem to work well for Toby. I will ask the vet about the tablets. Would Ceria tablets be better than Pepcid ac as needed?

No, and Cerenia is not to be used for more than 2-5 days, depending on dosage, whereas Pepcid or Zantac can be used indefinitely. Cerenia works on the central nervous system and the others are just antacids. 

Thank you. We usually keep Pepcid AC in the cupboard in case we ever need it, but usually don't need it. That is good information to know.

Our vet says that it's okay to give both in tandem. I think that Cerenia works better, but Pepcid is available over-the-counter and is less expensive. You can give Pepcid regularly, but Cerenia can only be given for a short stretch at a time. 

Yes, they can take both at the same time. But you can't substitute one for the other. Cerenia works better for acute vomiting, and that's what it's used for. Pepcid is really to control excess stomach acid, but it also has an antinausea effect when a dog is on certain antibiotics.

Our vet has advised us to give Pepcid for a gurgly, gassy stomach; and to give Cerenia for nausea. 

Exactly. That gassiness and gurgliness is due to excess acid production. But Pepcid will also help prevent nausea if given prior to giving certain antibiotics. 

Thank you so much for this update.  I hope Charlie continues to improve.

Thank you, he does continue to improve. We are quite happy with his progress.



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