Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are close to picking a puppy. I have two good breeders I'm looking at, however one offers a 1 year warranty (full refund), extended to 2 years with NuVet purchase. I know I've seen some discussion before on here about concerns over requiring the purchase of vitamins for your warranty. I'm not planning on purchasing the vitamins if we choose this breeder. The breeder otherwise has all good points I've been looking for. The other breeder I'm looking at offers 2 year warranty straight up. Both have documented health testing. Long story...would requiring the NuVet purchase for the extra warranty make you not consider this breeder? She also feeds life abundance food (and we would have to purchase some of this initially when we get the puppy till transition.) Is a 2 year warranty definitely a must? My previous dog had only 1 year, but didn't have issues. Thanks for your feedback!

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If you have another good option, why even consider going with this breeder.  I would just by pass her.  I have to say that even some of the worst breeders I've seen offer a 2 year warranty so only offing one to me is a red flag.   I'm always telling my Niece, Look for the Red Flags.  If you see them, run.  Go with your gut.   I would go with the other breeder and spend what I was going to spend on vitamins and her expensive food and get a good pet insurance policy and be double covered.  Just my opinion.

I wasn't planning on buying the vitamins anyway. Of course I'll have to get an initial bag of food till I transition. But the other beeeder is more costly, hasn't been great recently about corresponding to me (she was in the beginning), costs more, is further from us when we pick up the pup. It's not all about money but when you have children and are spending a lot for a dog in the first place, I have to consider all of that. A long car drive with a new puppy and kids doesn't sound fun! :)
Thanks for all your thoughts on this!

I found Doodle Kisses after we had purchased Winnie, so I really didn't know better.  Her breeder required the Life Abundance food and NuVet supplement in order to honor the 2 year warranty. It might be over priced, but I happen to think that the NuVet supplement is a really good supplement. I still feed it to her and my Bob (both 3 years old). I never fed the Life Abundance other than the first weeks or 2 that we had her home. We lucked out in that she has had absolutely no health problems. I actually would do it it again in a heart beat as long as the parents have had full genetic testing.

Here is a question--how does she know you are giving the dog the vitamin? Do you have to buy it thru her? I just think this is awful--you should not have to support her business with NuVet in order to get a health warranty--I don't like it!

You have to buy the vitamins through the breeder, although it often doesn;t appear that way. They give you a number to use when ordering, and that's how the various commissions get paid.

Yeah, I don't like it, either. But I do like the supplement! :-)  

Update: I wonder if I irritated the breeder who uses NuVet because I asked her several questions I still had, including asking for references, as well as why she chooses to use the vitamins and my concerns with it being tied to the warranty. She did not respond to my questions at all but rather told me the litter was now spoken for as well as the future litter we had originally been interested in. She gave me names of referrals to other breeders in a different state that I can get a quality puppy from. I guess that gives me my answer! She is either hiding something or doesn't have a solid reason for requiring the vitamins for a warranty.

We had decided to go with our other breeder anyway. So, excited to say we will be proud owners of a goldendoodle in about 8 weeks! Exciting and scary. Its been almost 8 years since I had a puppy! I might be crazy since I have 2 small kids too!! 

I think you made the right choice. Congratulations.  Keep us posted.

The NuVet breeder doesn't want any questions - just buy from her and shut up is her motto.  



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