Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
About two months ago, my boyfriend learned of a German Shepherd that needed a new home. The dog lived near Sacramento, and we live in Vancouver, WA. We were willing to go get him, but my boyfriend's supervisor's parent's who are friends of the previous owner insisted on bringing him up when they came to visit their son. We knew that this dog who was named 'Flame,' was good with dogs and people. Though, the previous owners kept him in a dog run outside for about 2 years. We are still working on trying to get a specific birth date, but the dog is 3 years old. We only recently found out yesterday that he was let out of his pen during the day to roam the neighborhood. This is evidently why he is so sweet with both dogs and complete strangers.
This is mainly my boyfriend's dog because he wanted a dog that was bonded to him and I respect that. Orwell is mine through and through and my boyfriend got a little jealous. Anyway, we got him last Thursday and have been learning new things about him (some of which do not make us happy). On the drive home we discovered that his canines have been ground down to flat plateaus about 1/6 of an inch high. The roots of these teeth are showing, so we have to have them capped. The previous owners also delayed our getting him because they said they were going to neuter him before he made his way up here. Well, he still is intact, so that's another thing we have to take care of. My boyfriend was prepared for a large expense, though, so he's fine with it financially. We're just a little annoyed with the situation the dog was put in. It's probably a good thing that we will never get to meet the previous owners. We both wanted to scream and punch them.
On top of it all, they also sent a message along with the dog. They asked for a puppy if we chose to breed him. Even though they didn't take care of the dog, there reasoning behind wanting a puppy is that their kids would be older and more responsible by then to take care of the puppy. I struggled to maintain my composure when I heard that. I said if we were going to breed him, then I would do all the responsible health testing and require applications for puppies at which point I would not even read theirs. And anyway, he's going to get neutered soon.
'Flame' didn't respond to his name at all. So, we renamed him Ganon. My boyfriend and I both really did not like the name 'Flame,' so we are happy that we got to rename him. He's going to have the same collar and leash Orwell has which also makes me happy, lol.
Overall, Ganon is the sweetest dog which is amazing given what he has been through in his short life. We are glad he came to us and not someone else because we will spoil him.
Well, I'm madly in love! Ganon is gorgeous and I am so glad he finally has a good home and responsible owners who will do right by him! Congratulations on your new family member and thank you for giving this sweet dog the life he deserves.
How does Orwell like him?
They have not met, but Ganon is getting along well with the other dog in the house my boyfriend lives in even though the other dog barks and growls at him all the time (the other dog is a mini aussie so he is just trying to act like a big dog). Orwell has gotten along with every dog except that one German Shepherd who tried to attack him when he was 10 months old. Orwell gets along with the other German Shepherds in the neighborhood, though, so I know that experience didn't make him automatically hate German Shepherds.
We're going to have a play date soon. :)
Oh, and if you ever get a chance to punch the former owners, give them an extra smack for me, lol.
Will do.
I can take further requests here if anyone has anything they'd like to get off their chest. ;)
The sad thing is we all know they will get another dog. People are such jerks.
I think GSD's are beautiful dogs. I certainly would have done an eye roll about them wanting a puppy. My daughter adopted a cat from a shelter that they found living out of a dumpster. She turned out to be the most loving cat and became besties with our Golden Retriever. Sometimes the harder the life they have had, they are so appreciative of a loving home.
That is definitely the sense I get with Ganon. He is just so happy to have the attention he deserves.
He's gorgeous! Can't wait to see pictures of him with Orwell! Have fun!
I am so happy Ganon is with people who are going to take great care of him. He is gorgeous!!
Ganon is a lucky boy for having found a loving forever home.
Kaitee's Boyfriend, Congratulations! (We met at the Walla Walla romp but I forgot your name.) I am very happy for you. Because I volunteer in rescue, I know how much people lie when they want to 'dump' their dog. This is not a slam for those who find themselves in a situation where they are responsible owners and must rehome their dog, and do so in a responsible manner. But Ganon is from one of the 'dumper people.' IF he has any vet records at all you might learn something from those. If he was chipped, there will be a birth date listed. Ganon is so lucky to have found you. He will now have a happy forever life. Our Charlie didn't come to his name either and I wish I had changed it to something less common among doodles.
As to them getting a puppy the chances are NOT ever!
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