Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm so saddened by this but after posting the teeth cleaning thing on here I got to thinking and I just don't think I trust the vet I picked up here. The constant teeth cleaning badgering plus every time I take one of my dogs In for an annual it's like $400-$500 with blood work, fecal, etc. seriously my crew are young labradoodles (3-6 years).

I think I need to find a new vet. Unfortunately, the current one allows my 12 year old daughter to Kind of be an intern. She's watched surgeries from the other side of the glass etc. daughter wants to be a vet. I don't know any other vet in the area that would let a 12 year old observe. Still, my vet bills are astronomical now. I mean, we use to use frontline for flea and tick treatment. This vet has us on parastar and I'm paying $69 for a 3 month supply for each dog. Way more than frontline and reviews are worse.

I've never felt I can't trust my vet before moving. So that has me worried for both my daughter and my dogs. Guess it's time to search for someone new. My kuddo is going to be so sad she won't get to see the behind the scenes at the clinic anymore.

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"I don't like that I can't have honest discussions with her"--to me, this says it ALL. Any wise veterinarian has to know that being asked questions based on the owner's research is going to be part of the job. The internet is no longer a crazy new invention--it's how lots and lots of people get their information, and it simply has to be part of the vet's job to listen, correct misinformation, etc. If a vet can't handle that, I can't imagine they're going to be successful for very long. I'm sure there will be other opportunities along the way for your daughter, but I would say get another vet sooner rather than later! Sorry to hear you've had to deal with this.

Hi, Which vaccines come in the 3 year? Nala got her 3 year rabies. Are there other vaccines I can get that are 3 year? Thanks so much, Christine
To the original poster, I would find a new vet. If you are uncomfortable, then that means something. I wouldn't hesitate. Maybe you can ask someone on the board who lives in your area for a recommendation. Good luck. Not sure if I am posting this correctly...still kind of new at this.

All of the core vaccines (those that are recommended for all dogs, everywhere) are available in 3 year versions. The core vaccines are rabies, and parvo-distemper-adenovirus. 

Everything else is optional, depending on where you live and your individual dog's risk factors. The optional vaccines include lepto, bordatella, parainfluenza, influenza, and there are others. Some of these can be given nasally. All should be given as separate shots/doses and not included in one big vaccine "cocktail". In the case of lepto, the newest versions of the vaccine, which have fewer side effects, should be given in two shots, 3-4 weeks apart, which is obviously not possible if it's given with other vaccines, in what is called a DHLPP shot. Here's a link to the recommended vaccine protocols for dogs & cats:

Thanks all. I appreciate the help. I think I just had an awesome vet in our old city. For vaccines she had all 4 of our doodles on the same schedule. she would have me bring 2 at a time and only charge me the office visit cost 1 time for the two (essentially making the office visit half price). Also, she didn't run every test under the sun each year for each dog.
They are still younger adults. I guess I'm wondering what you guys have done for your annual exams. And I know some like Karen's dog need extra medical attention.
The only doodle I feel like at this time that needs extra attention is Mac. He is from a puppy mill (stud dog that got sent to a kill shelter after usefulness was done) and he has some things that we can't figure out. His back legs often shake when he stands and we don't know why. Its getting worse with age. He has full range of motion in the hips but I think there is something going on.
While vet care is expensive, especially for 4 doodles, I never felt like I was being seen as a cash register until now since our move. I've learned along time ago to trust my gut.
You are so right, your gut will best the best indicator for your doodles. No one knows them the way you do, you spend the time and emotion on them, raise and love them, know thier behaviors and idiosyncrasies like no other.

My Rottie had the shaking back legs that started when he was almost 10 and was related to pain in his hips, sometimes he wouldn't put his full weight on one leg or the other and it would hover lightly on the ground. HD is such a common ailment in large dogs, he was 120# at his peak, and very common in Rottweiler's. But your boy has full range of motion which mine did not so maybe it's something else?

I am not into medical intervention unless there is a reason for myself.  I treat my dogs the same way.  They always go if I think something is wrong; they go annually for the oral Bordatella vaccine which is brought out by the vet tech so there is not even an office visit charge; they go every three years for the other injections that they may need. At that time, I make sure the vet checks them out thoroughly.  That's it.  

I was with the same et clinic for almost six years after I moved to where I am currently living. I began to be unhappy there when I realised how high the staff turnover was - the vets just didn't seem to stay. I did some volunteering and behind the scenes observation there as part of my canine rehab diploma but they still wouldn't refer to me. I had one vet there that I did like and had a pretty good relationship with, that got to know she shouldn't even try to sell me things we didn't need. She left, and then the final straw was when my on leash dog was attacked while hiking by an aggressive off leash dog belonging to the owner of that clinic - although he treated (stitched up) my dog for free he still charged me for all of his meds!!

So, I left and went to a clinic in another town. Even though it is further to travel, and certainly not any cheaper, I am much happier there. All the vets have been there for several years, so I am expecting we will have consistency, and they have been very respectful of how I wanted my dogs to be handled, what I would pay for etc etc.



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