Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm sure some of you have seen the scam Facebook pages selling Labradoodle and Goldendoodle puppies.  They are taking pictures from legit breeders websites and using them to get people to send in money.  Several pages were shut down last week but more have been opened this week. Breeders are beyond furious that their photos are being used to lure in unsuspecting people.  

Here is how you can help!

Below are two links we know to be fraudulent.  Post a review stating they are a scam and the photos are stolen. Under each person who has requested information, tell the person this is a scam. Report the page/picture to Facebook. If we can get a hundred people to do this it will, at the very least, warn others and hopefully get the page shut down quickly.  This is an international problem and we know we can't stop it completely.  We can bring awareness though, and that's where you can help! 

The puppy in the car on this page is mine.  I took the picture 4 or 5 years ago.

Here is a link to a news article from last week and also a news station link.  Please share them with your facebook friends!

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April, can I post a link to this discussion in some of the FB doodle groups? 

YES!!  Please do!!

April, I found all of the first scammer's photos on this Pinterest page. Your pup is listed as an ALD, scroll down to the 3rd row.:

And the 2nd scammer is deleting everyone's comments on the FB page. 

Yes they are. I saw that. 

I just got home from work.  Yes, they removed all my posts and blocked me from posting.  Grrrrr.....  They didn't remove my review though.  Maybe FB doesn't allow them to remove reviews?  We can keep reporting the pages. I am trying to figure out how to email FB and file a complaint. 

I went to the first website and clicked on the names of people responding to each picture and then sent them a message that it is a scam--hope they get it!

I think that is probably what you have to do, because I noticed the comments warning people are being deleted.

Good idea!

I got a reply thanking me for warning the person!! One down! Let's keep doing it--click on the person's name if they indicate interest--then send them a message by clicking on message at the top right of the page!

Awesome!!  Good job!  I sent out several too! 

All of my comments have been deleted--but my messages are being received!



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