Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all, I haven't been on here in a few years so really hate that I'm popping in out of the blue with such sad news. 

It's a long stressful story but the gist is that Winston has been struggling with a bunch of health issues recently that finally led to discovering a mass on his spleen. We thought he had immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (basically his immune system attacking his blood and killing all his platelets) but as he continued to struggle we decided to do an xray and ultra sound and found a mass on his spleen, leading to the likely diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma, of which the thrombocytopenia condition is a side effect (we can't tell for sure because we can't operate/biopsy with such low platelet count). Given the prognosis of the disease is very poor, even if we could remove it, we are coming to terms with the fact that we are losing him soon. Some of the other symptoms he's having indicate it may have already metastasized and spread.

I know I sound very clinical about all of this but it's been a hell of a rollar coaster and now I'm just trying to cope (plus banging this message out while I'm at work - was off with him for two weeks and can't afford to take any more time off so here I am). This all came to light labour day weekend when he had a possible bowel obstruction that couldn't be operated because he literally had a zero platelet count in his blood. He was struggling a bit before that but I just thought it was age related. Now the symptoms are clear and getting worse. He's losing weight, sometimes struggling to breath, has weakness (e.g. struggling on the stairs), vomiting a lot, etc. The good news is he's still showing that he's happy and remains interested in the things he enjoys, especially eating and being snuggled, so hoping to have a couple more months with him and plan to spoil him rotten.

I'm looking for support and advice from anyone who has been through this. Any ideas on how to extend his time with us that doesn't involve dangerous or invasive surgery or chemo (which will have limited effect anyway) and how to make his remaining time as comfortable and happy as possible.

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The Yunnan Bai Yao worked well for stopping the bleeding. We don't have any holistic vets in our area but our regular vet clinic uses it often for internal bleeding, esp with hemangiosarcoma.  I sent for the generic form of I'm-Yunity because I couldn't afford the brand name.  I was not able to try it for Tasha because we had to put her to sleep before we got the supplement.  We knew it wasn't a cure but had hoped for a little more time with her.  When she had her ultrasound it showed the cancer had already spread from the spleen into the liver and probably the heart as well.  Because of that, we chose not to do any further testing or to have the splenectomy.  

Our dog before that did have a splenectomy and during the surgery it was noted that the cancer had metastasized thru his internal organs.  He did very well after the surgery for about a month but then rapidly got worse again because his heart was affected. We didn't want to put Tasha thru that. In addition, she hated being at the vet or being away from us and it would have caused her a lot of stress.  That's why we opted to just love her and make her last days as comfortable and happy as we could. We let her decide how long she could walk and thankfully her appetite was good so she got special treats. I think someone mentioned massage and that also was very comforting to her and to us.  

Like I said before, each dog is so different when it comes to treatment.  I love when you said you are spoiling him rotten and giving him all the love you can right now.  My heart goes out to you and your family.  He is a gorgeous doodle!

So, so sorry--this must be a very difficult time. I agree that you are doing what is best for your beloved pooch.

Thank you so much Ginny.

Sherri, I am so sorry to hear about Winston. I remember when you got him. You have given him such a wonderful and happy life and I have no advice. Just love him as much as you can and help him along his way when it is time. Hugs to you!!

Thanks Laurie. Hard to believe he came into my life six years ago. I can't imagine life without the big goofy guy. It will be hard to lose him for sure.

Sherri, I was thrilled to see your name pop up because I often wonder what you  and your 'family' have been up to.  I remember when Winston joined your family.  I am so sorry he is so ill.  I know nothing of this terrible disease, but feel sure you are doing the best thing for him.  Winston knows you have taken the best care of him through the years and appreciates your steadfast love.  Take comfort in that.    How is Sophie?

Thanks Nancy. I think Sophie is a bit confused and definitely know something's wrong, but generally she's ok. She spends a lot of time with my boyfriend's dog "Bugsy", they are like two peas in a pod. Winston has been too old and tired to play with her much for a while. I think having Bugs around will help her with the transition. 

Sherri, I, too, was thrilled when I saw your name appear and so terribly saddened to hear your news. My heart aches for you.

Thanks Anne.

Such a handsome fella... sending you a hug and a prayer for peace...

Thanks Lori

Hi Sherri, I keep looking at Winston's happy face in this picture and while his utter cuteness makes me smile, it also makes my heart break for you. I don't really have anything substantive to add in terms of his particular condition, but I am sure that he feels loved and has had a joy-filled life with you. This community feels like family, and I am sure that I am not alone in offering hugs and support. 



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