Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

TWO YEARS AGO THIS WAS OUR SIT/DOWN STAY GROUP.  Now we have doubled our 'Blue Ribbon' group.  Now we are working on our recall with the "DOWN"  command.  For the next two weeks make a commitment  to have some fun with this and work just 5 or 10 minutes a day with this.  You will discover your Doodle will look forward to this special time with you. 

Who will be joining us?

Brunch:  11:30 AM to 1 PM. 12430 Seal Beach Blvd. Meet at tables with umbrellas between the rows of restaurants.

Romp: 1 PM to  3:00 PM.  Arbor Dog Park. 4665 Lampson between Valley View & Seal Beach Blvd. Dirt driveway on the North side of Lampson between Rose and Heather Streets.

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We'll do lunch again with the girls. I fear Sassy is having a set back, she wasn't feeling herself after yesterdays rehab and she's really slowing down on our walks so we have to go back to just 10 minutes at a time.  Vet is concerned with the muscle deterioration she may not bounce back to a active lifestyle?  Then to top it off we just started weaning her off the Adequan yesterday, instead of every session we are moving to once a week which might be a problem?  Oh my heart is breaking for my crazy baby girl, her heart and mind are that of a spunky agile pup but her body just isn't agreeing.  

She's been doing really well in rehab, yesterday they increased her treadmill time to what I thought she said was 7 minutes with a slight incline (twice) and she did it effortlessly with tennis ball in mouth, or so it appeared? Last night her legs were actually trembling as she stood and wanted to play? We were supposed to pump up her routine and make it more of an agility course next Tuesday, I wonder if this incident will change things?

My heart is breaking also.  Sassy was the only other chocolate Doodle when we starting going to the romps.  My how I would love to watch her run with glee after the ball you would throw again and again.   

Given the opportunity she'd whole heartedly still chase it now and just suffer the consequences later.  She had more spunk last night but I did notice she was taking several breaks. If she could only understand and learn her limits life would be simple. 

I’m so sorry Sassy is not rebounding like you hoped. 

Thanks Nancy, for the most part she acts like nothing is wrong then when I see her hurting it rips a hole in my heart and gut. With her degree of arthritis her long time prognosis of quality of life scares the hell out of me.  She's my whole heart dog. 

At Doodle Brunch it was so good to see Tanya, Andy and Drew with Lilly and Bella.  To look at Sassy you wouldn't think she was having any problems, Jolene has her in physical therapy, we all pray will be successful so they can join us at the romps.  


Drew with 'Lilly'  and Andy with "pretty in pink " Bella

This was our 'blue ribbon stay group' this month.  Kevin demonstrated the best training last month with the 'Recall and Down'  exercise.   


Helga, super capture!  TY for sharing. 

I enjoyed seeing these. We missed you all. 

Hello, everyone. I'm sorry Bo missed last weekend but we will be there for September! Here is his summer lion cut




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